[MOD 0.11.8] Infinite Research

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[MOD 0.11.8] Infinite Research

Post by oktabyte »

For all those of you who thought "I want to create the most advanced factory ever", just to run out of things to research and unwilling to dump tons of research packs into chests.
It adds almost infinite research for all research levels to keep your factories running.
Download for 0.11.8

What this mod adds:
Research that just consumes Resources for players without anything else to research to keep your factories running.
It comes in the following flavours:
- Only Red / Green / Blue / Purple Research packs
- One of each, Red + Green / Red + Green + Blue / All four
- Increasing amounts for lower level Research packs Red + Green / Red + Green + Blue / All four

edit 1: Added more Information
Last edited by oktabyte on Wed Dec 31, 2014 12:45 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: [MOD 0.11.8] Infinite Research

Post by Airat9000 »

I did not understand what gives this mod? what improvements?
large chests? new plants for improvement?
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Re: [MOD 0.11.8] Infinite Research

Post by filippe999 »

would be nice if you had a research that would repeat itself when done, increase in resources and time arithmetically and improve a certain area, say a buff to mining speed of electric drills and my character, smelting/crafting speed for both machines and my character, increase in passive health regeneration buffs to solar panels/steam power. Doesn't need to add anything but just giving global would be nice
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Re: [MOD 0.11.8] Infinite Research

Post by sillyfly »

Nice! I was actually looking for something like this!

Are there techs in there which do not require alien science pack? It would be nice to be able to "waste" resources without having to kill more aliens...
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Re: [MOD 0.11.8] Infinite Research

Post by Dariel92 »

sillyfly wrote:Nice! I was actually looking for something like this!

Are there techs in there which do not require alien science pack? It would be nice to be able to "waste" resources without having to kill more aliens...
RU: если вы говорите об инопланетных артефактах, то они есть в моде Treefarm-Mod, AlienPlant
EN: if you are talking about alien artifacts, they are in the Treefarm mod-Mod, AlienPlant.
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Re: [MOD 0.11.8] Infinite Research

Post by sillyfly »

Erm... what?

I don't want any more mods, I just want to have an infinite non-alien-pack research :)
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Re: [MOD 0.11.8] Infinite Research

Post by Dariel92 »

RU: что-то я так и не понял что же дает данный мод, картинка вообще ничего не объясняет.
EN: something I did not understand what gives this fashion, the picture actually doesn't explain anything.
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Re: [MOD 0.11.8] Infinite Research

Post by Dariel92 »

sillyfly wrote:Erm... what?

I don't want any more mods, I just want to have an infinite non-alien-pack research :)
RU: ой, извеняюсь, видимо я просто не так понял. мой переводчик плохо передает смысл и мне приходится додумывать иногда самому)
EN: Oh, izvenyayus, apparently I just don't understand. my bad interpreter conveys the meaning, and I have to think sometimes myself)
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Re: [MOD 0.11.8] Infinite Research

Post by sillyfly »

If I understand what you are asking, and if I correctly understand the mod -
this gives you lots of research that does absolutely nothing - it is only there to demand resources, so you can keep your factory running longer even though you researched all the regular techs.
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Re: [MOD 0.11.8] Infinite Research

Post by Dariel92 »

sillyfly wrote:If I understand what you are asking, and if I correctly understand the mod -
this gives you lots of research that does absolutely nothing - it is only there to demand resources, so you can keep your factory running longer even though you researched all the regular techs.
RU: Вон оно как, спасибо большое) теперь хоть смысл ясен)
EN: Pardner, thank you very much) now, though the meaning is clear)
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Re: [MOD 0.11.8] Infinite Research

Post by oktabyte »

sillyfly wrote:Erm... what?

I don't want any more mods, I just want to have an infinite non-alien-pack research :)
This adds just that, choose your favourite flavor without the purples
filippe999 wrote:would be nice if you had a research that would repeat itself when done, increase in resources and time arithmetically and improve a certain area, say a buff to mining speed of electric drills and my character, smelting/crafting speed for both machines and my character, increase in passive health regeneration buffs to solar panels/steam power. Doesn't need to add anything but just giving global would be nice
that would miss the point of this variant. I will think about a different mod for that though. At the moment most variables of the objects are protected enough, that i cannot change them easily. I could probably make a version that increases crafting speed / mining speed for the player (overriding all manual settings, which is really bad). I wouldn't know what benefit you would want to get out of that though. If you already researched everything, you won't be manually mining any more and have autocrafted almost every thing.

EDIT 1: changed response 2
Last edited by oktabyte on Thu Jan 01, 2015 12:03 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: [MOD 0.11.8] Infinite Research

Post by mavzor »

filippe999 wrote:would be nice if you had a research that would repeat itself when done, increase in resources and time arithmetically and improve a certain area, say a buff to mining speed of electric drills and my character, smelting/crafting speed for both machines and my character, increase in passive health regeneration buffs to solar panels/steam power. Doesn't need to add anything but just giving global would be nice
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Re: [MOD 0.11.8] Infinite Research

Post by ares0027 »

i read all the comments and still have no idea what this mod actually adds to game. so it is just a way to spend science packs for what? if you want to spend your science packs simply stop producing them
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Re: [MOD 0.11.8] Infinite Research

Post by oktabyte »

ares0027 wrote:i read all the comments and still have no idea what this mod actually adds to game. so it is just a way to spend science packs for what? if you want to spend your science packs simply stop producing them
This mod adds research to waste research packs. Its only purpose is to keep your factories running in case you don't want to end your game as soon as you finished your current research, after which your resource drain is completely stopped. I like the challenge of needing to expand all the time to keep resources flowing
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Re: [MOD 0.11.8] Infinite Research

Post by kovarex »

We really should have some infinite research in the native game. Do you remember future technology in civilisation? Something like that. Every level would cost the double of the previous level (or something like that).
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Re: [MOD 0.11.8] Infinite Research

Post by Tardan »

kovarex wrote:We really should have some infinite research in the native game. Do you remember future technology in civilisation? Something like that. Every level would cost the double of the previous level (or something like that).
a realy good idea :)
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Re: [MOD 0.11.8] Infinite Research

Post by immibis »

You could add infinite levels to some of the upgrade researches.
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Re: [MOD 0.11.8] Infinite Research

Post by oktabyte »

immibis wrote:You could add infinite levels to some of the upgrade researches.
The main problem with this is, that actual "infinite" research is impossible. You need to register all recipes prior to starting the game. I would try to generate them in runtime, but that would make the mod singleplayer only.
I could add some more levels though, which kind of upgrades would you like more of then?
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Re: [MOD 0.11.8] Infinite Research

Post by Schorty »

kovarex wrote:We really should have some infinite research in the native game. Do you remember future technology in civilisation? Something like that. Every level would cost the double of the previous level (or something like that).
I could imagine, that an infinite research is a good idea, but increasing some speeds (e.g. mining speed of mining drills) by a fixed amount each time, is a bit too strong. To balance it out, you could decrease the amount the speed increases. Maybe this sounds a bit confusing...
Here are some graphs to explain, what I mean:


The red graps shows a linear increase. The mining speed would go through the roof after some researches. Even when the costs double, the increase is really significant.
The blue graph shows how I would like to have the increase. The first research gives you a big boost (in this example 100%, exactly the same as the linear function would give), but the second research gives you a smaller boost (sqrt(2) - 1 = 41,42%). The next research would give you an even smaller amount, but you, as a developer are able to limit the maximum, as the function will converge to a set amount. I know, some mathmatics-freaks could argue, that the function I used, converges to infinity, like the first one, BUT it takes you much longer to "reach" that goal. Also you could use a function, that really converges to a fixed amount, but I was to lazy to create one ;)

I think, that this could be a way to allow infinite research, but keeping some amount of game balance. Yes, at some point you could have a mining drill with a mining speed of ~1000, but you would have to play really(!) long, to reach that.

What do you guys think?
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Re: [MOD 0.11.8] Infinite Research

Post by Creedless82 »

Schorty wrote:
kovarex wrote:We really should have some infinite research in the native game. Do you remember future technology in civilisation? Something like that. Every level would cost the double of the previous level (or something like that).
I could imagine, that an infinite research is a good idea, but increasing some speeds (e.g. mining speed of mining drills) by a fixed amount each time, is a bit too strong. To balance it out, you could decrease the amount the speed increases. Maybe this sounds a bit confusing...
Here are some graphs to explain, what I mean:


The red graps shows a linear increase. The mining speed would go through the roof after some researches. Even when the costs double, the increase is really significant.
The blue graph shows how I would like to have the increase. The first research gives you a big boost (in this example 100%, exactly the same as the linear function would give), but the second research gives you a smaller boost (sqrt(2) - 1 = 41,42%). The next research would give you an even smaller amount, but you, as a developer are able to limit the maximum, as the function will converge to a set amount. I know, some mathmatics-freaks could argue, that the function I used, converges to infinity, like the first one, BUT it takes you much longer to "reach" that goal. Also you could use a function, that really converges to a fixed amount, but I was to lazy to create one ;)

I think, that this could be a way to allow infinite research, but keeping some amount of game balance. Yes, at some point you could have a mining drill with a mining speed of ~1000, but you would have to play really(!) long, to reach that.

What do you guys think?
What i think? +1 awesome great idea! Both, infinite researches to keep everything running just for the sake of doing so as well as a minor upgrade-bonus for doing so!
Personally i always started a new world after completing all researches, just because it felt like there was no more goal to achieve for me and i just could'nt be bothered to disassemble the whole research related production lines and science labs.
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