IDs for Smart Chests/Inserters + Network Status + Warnings

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IDs for Smart Chests/Inserters + Network Status + Warnings

Post by DexterNemrod »

As the title says ...
it would be extremly useful to have (at least) all smart inserters and smart chests identified with an ID (together with some kind of search function that lets you focus on the looked for smart chest/inserter ID).
Also it would be useful to have a list of all red/green networks together with the smart chest and smart inserter IDs connected to them and popping up warning messages if one inserter/chest gets disconnected from them.

Lets say, a creeper during a creeper attack (or due to creepers following you) gets blocked by a power pole and attacks and destroys it. This power pole connected one or more smart chests/inserters (or even subnets) to red/green networks.
It may well happen at the moment, that you don´t notice in time the fact that several smart inserters/chests aren´t connected properly anymore until it is too late (that is, after a while, you notice a lack of products produced by this production chain) (maybe not didn´t even notice the loss of the power pole, for example because with regards to power supply there is redundancy and the poles only are there for creating independent red/green networks).

A simple warning message like "Warning, chest 42 got disconnected from network Red 5" may do a lot to inform you of the fact that there is something requiring your attention (enabling you, together with the proposed chest/inserter/network IDs + Search function, to accurately pinpont the location of the problem)
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Re: IDs for Smart Chests/Inserters + Network Status + Warnin

Post by ssilk »

I would also like to see
- where the creepers will come (radar?)
- Where they have done some destructions (red marks on the map, which fade very slowly out)
- when the next attack may start
Cool suggestion: Eatable MOUSE-pointers.
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