FactoriOTel - Factorio with OpenTelemetry metrics

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FactoriOTel - Factorio with OpenTelemetry metrics

Post by ismailbennani »

https://github.com/FactorioSharp/Factor ... umentation

I wrote a tool that reads data from a factorio server by running commands through the RCON, and exports the data using OpenTelemetry exporters. It can be used to send live data to compatible tools such as Prometheus and Grafana and to make dashboard either to monitor the current state of the game.

The tool is easy to configure, see the README file.

I'd love to hear your feedback about the project, and if it would be useful to you.

Below is an example Grafana dashboard that I am building while developing the tool and adding more and more metrics.


Disclaimer: The tool doesn't produce the dashboard itself, it gathers the data that can be used to create the dashboard. Read the Grafana documentation to get started.
For now the only exporter that is available is Prometheus, it can then be used by Grafana as data source.

Disclaimer 2: I known that there is the graftorio2 mod which does something similar. The main difference is that this tool is not a mod and does not use the disk to export the data: it uses commands executed on the remote console of the server through the network. The application doesn't need to run on the same machine as the server, and it can monitor multiple servers simultaneously.
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Re: FactoriOTel - Factorio with OpenTelemetry metrics

Post by aka13 »

Very cool, finally, I love it!
Pony/Furfag avatar? Opinion discarded.
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