Friday Facts #400 - Chart search and Pins

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Re: Friday Facts #400 - Chart search and Pins

Post by mrudat »

It would be nice to have a UI to hide/show alerts rather than console commands.

I imagine it would want to be per-planet, or perhaps even per-alert, in the case of having a huge wall constantly under attack somewhere.

I'm guessing that alert/tag consolidation will work similarly to resource patches; A patch of alerts/tags closer than n tiles will be treated as one big alert/tag patch having n components.
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Re: Friday Facts #400 - Chart search and Pins

Post by Bi0nicM4n »

Ok, as much as I appreciate the work you guys did on helping us see where everything is on the map (which we surely will use to it's utmost when expansion goes live), I'd like to sort of remind you of a certain part of the game that could still be made better - specifically, the controls menu (and I know that suggestions for that have been posted for years already, as early as 2020 as far as I can find, but those have never been answered).
As it stands, controls menu is divided into several dropdown lists based on the part of game they cover. No problem so far.

The problem starts with searching for a -specific- dropdown list, or even a part of that list (e.g. looking for a specific mod in Mods dropdown), that is -- such search option is simply not there! If you want to change a specific keybind for a mod (or anything else beyond Movement and Basic Interaction) you have to either keep scrolling controls menu or close all the dropdowns MANUALLY one-by-one until you arrive at the part you wanted to customize. The worst part is you have to do all that EVERY TIME you go into controls menu, which makes playing around with different keybinds to find out the most comfortable config a rather painful experience.

Therefore I'd like to propose a couple of improvements for Controls menu and it's search function:
1) A "Toggle dropdowns" button on the top left of Controls window;
2) Persistent states for dropdowns, at least inside a gaming session (but preferably beyond that);
3) Ability to search for certain dropdowns and even mods by using a modifier, like #name-of-a-mod-in-a-mods-dropdown
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Re: Friday Facts #400 - Chart search and Pins

Post by shlainn »

Justderpingalong wrote: Fri Mar 01, 2024 12:21 pm Secondly:
What the heck are these trains doing here?!
Launchpads for short range shuttles or zeppelins, clearly :geek: .
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Re: Friday Facts #400 - Chart search and Pins

Post by mcmase »

Awesome stuff per usual.

+1 for sketching overlays on the map for multiplayer (or even singleplayer) communication and planning.

Also thought that there should be a quick and intuitive way to pin map markers. Like you said, map markers are important locations for all players. So if I'm trying to get to one, I want to find/search it on the map, click a button on the corner of the marker to pin it, then go there (and presumably delete the pin). Otherwise, I'd want to pin every marker and then have to shuffle them on and off as I'm traveling about. Obviously this would only be a problem in late game mega bases, but it does kinda go against the "we don't expect many active pins at one time, so we're putting the list in a convenient location that would quickly become very inconvenient if large amounts of pins were created" statement that was made in the post. Personally, I can't see myself making more than 1-2 pins because losing the screen real estate doesn't seem worth it.... But at the same time, do we really want another menu/shortcut? Hard to say and I trust the devs looked at both options and decided this one worked best.

Thanks and still hyped!
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Re: Friday Facts #400 - Chart search and Pins

Post by Skellitor301 »

MiniHerc wrote: Fri Mar 01, 2024 1:05 pm Please give a way to mute/ignore alert types we don't care about. I play with alerts muted because endless minor damage alerts seriously trigger me.
I second this. I'd like to be able to have the option to turn off stuff like construction bots not having enough items to finish a job not flash constantly on a map. An example of how this can be irritating is when you go to concrete your base with your bot network, and when you use your map you are constantly blinded with yellow flashing of so many bot icons.
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Re: Friday Facts #400 - Chart search and Pins

Post by commandoby »

How many cool things! I want to pre order and play!
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Re: Friday Facts #400 - Chart search and Pins

Post by diederTheBeater »

Keyboard Shortcuts for pinging

It would be really cool if pinging could be done with CTRL+Click in the map, minimap, and also on the world directly.

that would severely improve communication in teams. This is so common in games like DOTA that i always try it just to be bummed out that i need to find the button to initiate a ping...
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Re: Friday Facts #400 - Chart search and Pins

Post by Unknow0059 »


The game desperately needed arrows that pointed to tags (or tag-behaving things) years ago.

But this could have been less intrusive. Engineer could, instead of HUD arrows, have gotten a radio antenna-like device, that bends towards his set direction. Taking clues from the stranding of mortality.
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Re: Friday Facts #400 - Chart search and Pins

Post by Nidan »

diederTheBeater wrote: Sun Mar 03, 2024 7:30 pm It would be really cool if pinging could be done with CTRL+Click in the map, minimap, and also on the world directly.
Not sure about minimap, but for the other cases that's already possible. Default keybind is ctrl + alt + left click.
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Re: Friday Facts #400 - Chart search and Pins

Post by Upserter »

Advanced search please!

Code: Select all

SELECT itemname, quality, count(*)
FROM nauvis.items
WHERE quality > 4
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Re: Friday Facts #400 - Chart search and Pins

Post by Quarnozian »

There should be an easy way to convert a pin to a tag, and tag to pin.
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Re: Friday Facts #400 - Chart search and Pins

Post by KLWolf67 »

It would be very useful if there was an option to add pins onto other player's screens in multiplayer so that I could show them something to do. Maybe it could be a thing that each player can toggle on and off in settings.
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Re: Friday Facts #400 - Chart search and Pins

Post by TioQueToca74 »


I think it would be nice to be able to configure alerts, I for example don't want to receive wall damage/destroyed alerts in late game
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Re: Friday Facts #400 - Chart search and Pins

Post by jodokus31 »

Since we don't expect a crazy amount of pins to exist, we added a list of all your pins right under the minimap, where it can be edited or removed.
When reading this, it reminded me, that I use a mod to hide the minimap, when looking at the contents of logistic network, because it contains so many items, it could not list everything (overhaul mod)
This could be a nice feature and also hide the pin list, when hovering over a logistic container.

Alternatively, make a way to show the logi-net content differently (EDIT: Forgot about the L-Hotkey, which also shows it)
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