Meh... now you jump arguing about solid fuel... I start to think you are just raising concerns for the sake of it.XT-248 wrote: Sat Feb 24, 2024 3:41 pm[...] Such a cycle could sink extra solid fuels, which are always in demand for train fuel, rocket fuel, and electric power. Why void solid fuels?
Put another way, a player feeds energy to a recycler to remove some potentially usable electric or mechanical energy. How do players make up for a loss in usable energy?
Why would you loop back solid fuel into the recycler to void it?
I mean sure you could do it if you wanted to, and it will likely also get voided over time, but why would you want to do that in the first place?
Did someone ever tell you that only because you can do something it does not mean you have to do it?
Just filter out the stone and send only the stone into the recycler if you want to get rid of that. Leave the solid fuel alone. Or do you have trouble to set up filters on inserters/splitters? ^^
And even if you run into a hypothetical situation where you overproduce solid fuel like crazy and have no meaningful use for it... Flare it off with boilers & produce electricity, or go back to steam-punk and set up tons of burner mining drills/inserters instead of normal ones. Or ship it to another planet where you have power issues. Do whatever you want with them. And if you don't need it elsewhere either then just throw it in the recycler. Who cares at that point because you have stockpiled so much of it that you would never use it anyway. ^^
That you have personal issues to deleting items... well tough luck. You will need to throw tons of stone back into the lava on Vulcanus as well unless you intent to stockpile the stuff forever or pave the whole area with concrete tiles. ^^XT-248 wrote: Sat Feb 24, 2024 3:41 pmEven if such a solution is reasonable, I play my way, like everybody else, and prefer not to void anything if I can avoid it.
I am also not one to throw items into the void for no reason, but if I have to because I am running out of space or what is more likely... because I know I will never use all the garbage anyway (which is the most common reason why you start stockpiling in the first place because there simply is no use for it) then I have no issues getting rid of it.