Construction bot not constructing despite being in network with materials (vanilla)

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Construction bot not constructing despite being in network with materials (vanilla)

Post by PartyToad19 »

So in my world I have my main bus and network, outside there was a bug perimeter with walls and turrets and its own network completely surrounding my inner base (the networks are separate) once the outer one was completed I noticed that the inner network would no longer construct bps or ghosts despite having bots available and the resources available in the network and the construction ghosts also in side the network. I think this was a bug because some things would build from bps like power poles, hubs, but not refined concrete despite having 250k on hand. Once I connected the two inner and outer networks the now one giant network worked fine and things were constructed as needed. Took this issue to discord and they said to come here so, I hope this wasnt already posted and its formatted properly.
fixed network save (ignore name)
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the bugged save before the networks were connected
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Re: [1.1.104] - Construction bot not constructing despite being in network with materials (vanilla)

Post by boskid »

Well, your combined inner+outer network has large gaps in the middle so the robots that want to return to the inner network discharge while traveling through non network area, they decide they want to charge again and they travel back to the outer part of the network.
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You can either 1/ try isolating inner network from outer network, or 2/ add more roboports on the paths of robots travel so they can charge without returning back to the outer part of your network or 3/ wait for 2.0 where robots have changed behavior about searching where to charge. Moving out of bug reports to Gameplay Help.
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Re: Construction bot not constructing despite being in network with materials (vanilla)

Post by PartyToad19 »

I know I have gaps I want them to be separated for reasons only god knows, but what is preventing the bots in bugged save world from functioning as normal within their own network (inner)? Why does connecting the two networks allow the bots to function normally? (not really important). I would think that the two networks would function independently of each other and I am confused on why they are not, unless I am mistaken and I have mistook the wiki information found here ... ic_network. "There can be many separate logistic networks. Two roboports are in the same network only if they are connected, so if their logistic areas are touching." I want to understand why its not building my bps despite being in network having supplies and having bot idle. I do not care about outer network, I want inner to do the inner work and outer to do outer work not for them to work together. I can recreate this on a more simple scale where we have 2 networks, A and B. A and B are disconnected they both have bots they both have a large amount of concrete tiles (25k in A, 2K in B) to place. I will give network B the 2K concrete it needs to construct its portion but it refuses to do so why?
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Re: Construction bot not constructing despite being in network with materials (vanilla)

Post by PartyToad19 »

Having the networks separate was the problem that would NOT allow construction, combining them made the function normal. I know they cannot traverse the distance it was a fix to the problem at hand for the time being. My question is should blueprints in A prevent blueprints in B from being built despite having the supplies necessary when A does not. It seems like a dead lock of sorts.
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Re: Construction bot not constructing despite being in network with materials (vanilla)

Post by FuryoftheStars »

Your inner network seems to be functioning for me, though it did take them awhile to start responding. I believe you are just running into the "way the system works".

I can't find a great source for it, and it's late and I'm tired, so here's one that you can look at that might help you springboard into your own research: viewtopic.php?t=94208
Note also that the construction queue is for the entire map... there are not separate queues for each individual network.
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Re: Construction bot not constructing despite being in network with materials (vanilla)

Post by atomizer »

PartyToad19 wrote: Sun Feb 18, 2024 8:21 pm the construction ghosts also in side the network
You have about 300k landfill ghosts outside of the network.
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