[Solved] Nonsensical power connections when blueprint constructed

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[Solved] Nonsensical power connections when blueprint constructed

Post by AliceTheGorgon »

So I've got a pretty big base going, but have been having pretty much constant power issues. After dozens of hours of this, I finally noticed that the electrical connections in my solar blueprints are often just not connecting for no apparent reason. I've got a substation next to a big electric pole, and while in some cases the big poles get their connections saturated (which really shouldn't happen when there's a ghost right next to them that will obviously need a connection), most of them only have 2-3 connections but still don't connect to the substation right next to them. It's very weird and frustrating.

I'm attaching the save here. Hopefully someone has some idea why the power connections aren't working, because I have no idea.

The player is off in the western wing, where a lot of recently placed blueprints are with the issue. Though it appears that the majority of solar blueprints acrost the entire base have this issue.

Edit: Here's the solar blueprint as well, just in case that matters. (The ratios are odd because I've got night lengthened.)

Code: Select all

World 002.zip
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Last edited by AliceTheGorgon on Fri Feb 16, 2024 12:43 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Nonsensical power connections when blueprint constructed

Post by boskid »

Your blueprint has no copper wire between big electric pole and substation. Blueprints preserve wires so not having that wire tells the game that you want to keep them separated. Not a bug.
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Re: Nonsensical power connections when blueprint constructed

Post by AliceTheGorgon »

Ah. That does appear to be the case. Annoyingly, every search attempt I made brought up old posts saying that blueprints *didn't* preserve wires. Glad to know that they do now.

Thanks. Looks like I've got to update the blueprint and then do a whole lot of deconstruct/reconstruct orders.
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Re: [Solved] Nonsensical power connections when blueprint constructed

Post by boskid »

Copper wires connections saving between electric poles was added in 1.1.0:
1.1.0 wrote:Power pole connections are saved in the blueprint. They still auto connect to other poles outside the blueprint.
Its possible that posts you were seeing were based on game versions before 1.1.0
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