[1.1.104] Loading screen and main menu alternate to black on game launch

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[1.1.104] Loading screen and main menu alternate to black on game launch

Post by iCrown »

- What did you do?
I clicked the play button in Flatpak Steam to play Factorio [1.1.104].

- What happened?
Factorio opened in full screen displaying loading screen graphics as expected and playing game music for a few seconds. Then the graphics change to a completely black screen for a few seconds and then the loading screen graphics appeared again. Then, the main menu appeared as expected for a second and then it changed to a black screen for about 10 seconds before reappearing again for a frame or two and then going back to black. This alternation with mostly black screen and only a split second of main menu visible continues indefinitely and persists even if you click on buttons and navigate through menus which is possible but very difficult. You can click on buttons while the black screen is visible.

- What did you expect to happen instead? It might be obvious to you, but do it anyway!
I expected the game to display loading screen and main menu graphics with no alternation to black screen at all.

- Does it happen always, once, or sometimes?
This happens always. It happens every time I launch the game in Flatpak Steam. It happens exactly the same way every time. It also happens on [1.1.101]. It also happens if I launch the stand-alone version of the game downloaded directly from this website.

- If you can reproduce the issue provide the exact steps!
Click the play button in Flatpak Steam to play Factorio and the issue will occur.
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