[1.1.101] Biter located at -526144, 1543 which results in crash when updating mods

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[1.1.101] Biter located at -526144, 1543 which results in crash when updating mods

Post by SpleT »

1. What did you do?
Trying to update mods which resulted in a crash with rootcause:
67.931 Error Chunk.cpp:828: force.getIndex() - 1u < this->activeNeighbourForces.size() was not true

2. What happened?
Corrupt savefile somehow. 1 bug inaccessable somewhere in the middle of nowhere. After getting support from the SE modding community (thanks!!!) its figured out that this bug somehow got here and on top of it when trying to remove it in any way the game crashes with that error. The following things were tried all resulting in a crash with 1 exception, removing the chunk where is results into unable to save due to corrupt data (screenshots)
These all result in crashes:
-> /c game.forces["enemy"].kill_all_units()
-> /c for k,v in pairs(game.surfaces[1].find_entities_filtered{force="enemy"}) do if v.unit_number == 9573017 then game.player.teleport(v.position) end end
then throw a handgrenade -> crash
->/c for k,v in pairs(game.surfaces[1].find_entities_filtered{force="enemy"}) do if v.unit_number == 9573017 then v.health = 1 v.damage(100, "player") end end
->/c for k,v in pairs(game.surfaces[1].find_entities_filtered{force="enemy"}) do if v.unit_number == 9573017 then v.teleport(game.player.position)

3. What did you expect to happen?
I would like to have entity 9573017 to be removed or perhaps ported to its family originated -1855, 1543.45703125....from... The poor one is all alone out there being an annoying bug (in multiple ways) I cant do it myself... the game crashes :(. Havent come across a tool to edit save files either (if that even exists)
/c for k,v in pairs(game.surfaces[1].find_entities_filtered{force="enemy"}) do if v.unit_number == 9573017 then v.teleport({-1855, 1543.45703125}) end end
It wont allow me to attach the save file it stops uploading after a while so i put it in google drive:
https://drive.google.com/file/d/1j8tTGc ... sp=sharing

4. Does it happen always, once, or sometimes?
Ive never seen this before in all the thousands of hours ive played this game

5. How can the issue be reproduced?
I have no clue... how does a save get corrupt? Problem is... I do make a new save like _1 _2 after a while or an mod update... i didnt update my mods a while though now and that bug sneaked in becoming a lot of savegames ago... going wayyy back... i discovered it while trying to adress some UPS issues updating mods (another post) but i cant then it crashes on that bug somewhere out in the void...
(68.47 KiB) Downloaded 38 times
bug_position.png (17 KiB) Viewed 1161 times
biter_location.png (24.43 KiB) Viewed 1161 times
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Re: [1.1.101] Biter located at -526144, 1543 which results in crash when updating mods

Post by Rseding91 »

Thanks for the report however the reason you're getting these errors is because things are corrupt; broken. The save file is likely lost. The only know way that has ever happened has been bad/failing hardware (typically RAM). You should run some memory test to see if it can point out anything otherwise it will likely keep happening.
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Re: [1.1.101] Biter located at -526144, 1543 which results in crash when updating mods

Post by SpleT »

I see... I will be doing that now... and let you know if theres a hardware fault somewhere detected.

Is there a way for me to edit the savefile so i can remove the one causing the crashes? Else ill be kinda stuck with that fellow forever while unable to update//remove//add any mods.
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Re: [1.1.101] Biter located at -526144, 1543 which results in crash when updating mods

Post by Rseding91 »

SpleT wrote: Thu Feb 01, 2024 11:06 pm Is there a way for me to edit the savefile so i can remove the one causing the crashes? Else ill be kinda stuck with that fellow forever while unable to update//remove//add any mods.
Not that I know of. It's also possible other things are broken that haven't yet shown up.
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Re: [1.1.101] Biter located at -526144, 1543 which results in crash when updating mods

Post by SpleT »

How do you people debug your own save file mechanics then i wonder? That be a nightmare if some issue arrises id think as fellow dev
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Re: [1.1.101] Biter located at -526144, 1543 which results in crash when updating mods

Post by Rseding91 »

SpleT wrote: Thu Feb 01, 2024 11:45 pm How do you people debug your own save file mechanics then i wonder? That be a nightmare if some issue arrises id think as fellow dev
Generally the save is either working correctly or is a complete loss. We have tests to ensure that save/load works correctly and when they pass the given changes are stable. But once a save is corrupt because of bad hardware it's corrupt and lost.
If you want to get ahold of me I'm almost always on Discord.
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Re: [1.1.101] Biter located at -526144, 1543 which results in crash when updating mods

Post by SpleT »

I see…. Welll ive been busy and the drive factorio is located on has bad blocks…. So it took me a while … sleepless nights… i mean ive almost 300 hours in that one so far…
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Re: [1.1.101] Biter located at -526144, 1543 which results in crash when updating mods

Post by SpleT »

Ill just keepnplaying it though i mean everything has been working just fine 😅. I cant update mods anymore though and by that willl keep on this game version as well… cant trim nauvis anymore for size but thats okay… its limited in size anyway due to Space exploration…. Ill just have a permanent bugged bug in the void…
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Re: [1.1.101] Biter located at -526144, 1543 which results in crash when updating mods

Post by SpleT »

The SE modding community learned me about the option to auto repair corrupt chunks but even that doesnt help here it seems so yeah... it is what it is i suppose
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