Code: Select all
0.000 2024-01-30 07:35:24; Factorio 1.1.101 (build 62011, win64, steam)
0.000 Operating system: Windows 11 (build 22631)
0.000 Initializing Steam API.
0.000 Program arguments: "D:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Factorio\bin\x64\Factorio.exe"
0.000 Config path: C:/Users/sbryz/AppData/Roaming/Factorio/config/config.ini
0.000 Read data path: D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Factorio/data
0.000 Write data path: C:/Users/sbryz/AppData/Roaming/Factorio [1837309/1906842MB]
0.000 Binaries path: D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Factorio/bin
0.012 System info: [CPU: AMD Ryzen 9 7900X3D 12-Core Processor, 24 cores, RAM: 13500/31893 MB, page: 18067/37013 MB, virtual: 4345/134217727 MB, extended virtual: 0 MB]
0.044 Memory info:
0.044 [0]: Unknown CMH32GX5M2B6400C32 16384 MB 4800 MHz 1.1 v
0.044 [1]: Unknown CMH32GX5M2B6400C32 16384 MB 4800 MHz 1.1 v
0.045 Display options: [FullScreen: 1] [VSync: 1] [UIScale: automatic (100.0%)] [Native DPI: 1] [Screen: 255] [Special: lmw] [Lang: en]
0.403 Video driver: windows
0.403 Available displays: 1
0.403 [0]: \\.\DISPLAY1 - NVIDIA GeForce RTX 2080 Ti {0x05, [0,0], 5120x1440, 32bit, 120Hz}
0.440 [Direct3D11] Display: 0, Output: 0, DisplayAdapter: 0, RenderingAdapter: 0; d3dcompiler_47.dll
0.569 Initialised Direct3D[0]: NVIDIA GeForce RTX 2080 Ti; id: 10de-1e07; driver: nvldumdx.dll
0.569 D3D Feature Level: 11.1, DXGI 1.5+, SwapChain: 3,flip-discard,-,-,-,none
0.569 [Local Video Memory] Budget: 10259MB, CurrentUsage: 8MB, Reservation: 0/5257MB
0.569 [Non-Local Vid.Mem.] Budget: 15178MB, CurrentUsage: 0MB, Reservation: 0/7717MB
0.569 Tiled resources: Tier 2
0.569 Unified Memory Architecture: No
0.569 BGR 565 Supported: Yes
0.569 MaximumFrameLatency: 3, GPUThreadPriority: 0
0.569 Graphics settings preset: very-high
0.569 Dedicated video memory size 11027 MB
0.619 Desktop composition is active.
0.619 Graphics options: [Graphics quality: high] [Video memory usage: all] [DXT: high-quality] [Color: 32bit]
0.619 [Max threads (load/render): 32/8] [Max texture size: 0] [Tex.Stream.: 0] [Rotation quality: normal] [Other: STDCWT] [B:0,C:0,S:100]
0.634 [Audio] Backend:SDL(default); Driver:wasapi, Device:Default device, Depth:16, Channels:2, Frequency:44100
0.867 SteelSeries GameSense Controller initialized.
1.062 Loading mod settings aai-containers 0.2.11 (settings.lua)
1.062 Loading mod settings alien-biomes 0.6.8 (settings.lua)
1.062 Loading mod settings even-distribution 1.0.10 (settings.lua)
1.062 Loading mod settings informatron 0.3.4 (settings.lua)
1.063 Loading mod settings jetpack 0.3.14 (settings.lua)
1.063 Loading mod settings nixie-tubes 1.1.4 (settings.lua)
1.063 Loading mod settings robot_attrition 0.5.15 (settings.lua)
1.063 Loading mod settings space-exploration-menu-simulations 0.6.8 (settings.lua)
1.063 Loading mod settings aai-industry 0.5.22 (settings.lua)
1.064 Loading mod settings LogisticTrainNetwork 1.18.5 (settings.lua)
1.064 Loading mod settings Krastorio2 1.3.23 (settings.lua)
1.064 Loading mod settings space-exploration 0.6.123 (settings.lua)
1.065 Loading mod settings se-ltn-glue 0.6.0 (settings.lua)
1.065 Loading mod settings space-exploration-postprocess 0.6.27 (settings.lua)
1.066 Loading mod settings Krastorio2 1.3.23 (settings-updates.lua)
1.071 Loading mod core 0.0.0 (data.lua)
1.149 Loading mod base 1.1.101 (data.lua)
1.563 Loading mod aai-containers 0.2.11 (data.lua)
1.572 Loading mod aai-signal-transmission 0.4.9 (data.lua)
1.577 Loading mod alien-biomes 0.6.8 (data.lua)
1.578 Script @__alien-biomes__/data.lua:4: Log mods once: {
FNEI = "0.4.2",
Krastorio2 = "1.3.23",
Krastorio2Assets = "1.2.2",
LogisticTrainNetwork = "1.18.5",
["aai-containers"] = "0.2.11",
["aai-industry"] = "0.5.22",
["aai-signal-transmission"] = "0.4.9",
["alien-biomes"] = "0.6.8",
base = "1.1.101",
["even-distribution"] = "1.0.10",
flib = "0.13.0",
informatron = "0.3.4",
jetpack = "0.3.14",
["nixie-tubes"] = "1.1.4",
robot_attrition = "0.5.15",
["se-ltn-glue"] = "0.6.0",
["shield-projector"] = "0.1.6",
simhelper = "1.1.6",
["space-exploration"] = "0.6.123",
["space-exploration-graphics"] = "0.6.17",
["space-exploration-graphics-2"] = "0.6.1",
["space-exploration-graphics-3"] = "0.6.2",
["space-exploration-graphics-4"] = "0.6.3",
["space-exploration-graphics-5"] = "0.6.1",
["space-exploration-menu-simulations"] = "0.6.8",
["space-exploration-postprocess"] = "0.6.27"
1.749 Loading mod even-distribution 1.0.10 (data.lua)
1.756 Loading mod flib 0.13.0 (data.lua)
1.763 Loading mod FNEI 0.4.2 (data.lua)
1.771 Loading mod informatron 0.3.4 (data.lua)
1.780 Loading mod jetpack 0.3.14 (data.lua)
1.787 Loading mod nixie-tubes 1.1.4 (data.lua)
1.794 Loading mod robot_attrition 0.5.15 (data.lua)
1.800 Loading mod shield-projector 0.1.6 (data.lua)
1.807 Loading mod space-exploration-menu-simulations 0.6.8 (data.lua)
1.813 Loading mod aai-industry 0.5.22 (data.lua)
1.829 Loading mod LogisticTrainNetwork 1.18.5 (data.lua)
1.836 Loading mod Krastorio2 1.3.23 (data.lua)
1.898 Loading mod space-exploration 0.6.123 (data.lua)
1.901 Script @__space-exploration__/collision-mask-util-extended/data/collision-mask-util-extended.lua:115: Named collision layer [flying-layer] set to layer [layer-14]
1.902 Script @__space-exploration__/collision-mask-util-extended/data/collision-mask-util-extended.lua:115: Named collision layer [projectile-layer] set to layer [layer-15]
1.904 Script @__space-exploration__/collision-mask-util-extended/data/collision-mask-util-extended.lua:115: Named collision layer [vehicle-layer] set to layer [layer-16]
1.905 Script @__space-exploration__/collision-mask-util-extended/data/collision-mask-util-extended.lua:115: Named collision layer [empty-space-tile] set to layer [layer-17]
1.907 Script @__space-exploration__/collision-mask-util-extended/data/collision-mask-util-extended.lua:115: Named collision layer [space-tile] set to layer [layer-18]
1.908 Script @__space-exploration__/collision-mask-util-extended/data/collision-mask-util-extended.lua:115: Named collision layer [moving-tile] set to layer [layer-19]
1.910 Script @__space-exploration__/collision-mask-util-extended/data/collision-mask-util-extended.lua:115: Named collision layer [composite-entity-circuit-connection-layer] set to layer [layer-20]
1.951 Script @__space-exploration__/collision-mask-util-extended/data/collision-mask-util-extended.lua:115: Named collision layer [addon-layer] set to layer [layer-21]
2.034 Loading mod se-ltn-glue 0.6.0 (data.lua)
2.045 Loading mod space-exploration-postprocess 0.6.27 (data.lua)
2.055 Loading mod base 1.1.101 (data-updates.lua)
2.071 Loading mod alien-biomes 0.6.8 (data-updates.lua)
2.081 Loading mod aai-industry 0.5.22 (data-updates.lua)
2.098 Loading mod Krastorio2 1.3.23 (data-updates.lua)
2.208 Loading mod space-exploration 0.6.123 (data-updates.lua)
2.244 Loading mod aai-containers 0.2.11 (data-final-fixes.lua)
2.256 Loading mod alien-biomes 0.6.8 (data-final-fixes.lua)
2.272 Script @__alien-biomes__/data-final-fixes.lua:300: Setting decals to layer 163
2.272 Script @__alien-biomes__/data-final-fixes.lua:407: logging tile layers
2.280 Script @__alien-biomes__/data-final-fixes.lua:412: {
["layer 0"] = "out-of-map",
["layer 1"] = "water, water-green",
["layer 2"] = "deepwater, deepwater-green",
["layer 3"] = "water-wube",
["layer 4"] = "water-shallow",
["layer 5"] = "water-mud",
["layer 6"] = "grass-1",
["layer 7"] = "mineral-purple-dirt-1",
["layer 8"] = "mineral-purple-dirt-2",
["layer 9"] = "mineral-purple-dirt-3",
["layer 10"] = "mineral-purple-dirt-4",
["layer 11"] = "mineral-purple-dirt-5",
["layer 12"] = "mineral-purple-dirt-6",
["layer 13"] = "mineral-purple-sand-1",
["layer 14"] = "mineral-purple-sand-2",
["layer 15"] = "mineral-purple-sand-3",
["layer 16"] = "mineral-violet-dirt-1",
["layer 17"] = "mineral-violet-dirt-2",
["layer 18"] = "mineral-violet-dirt-3",
["layer 19"] = "mineral-violet-dirt-4",
["layer 20"] = "mineral-violet-dirt-5",
["layer 21"] = "mineral-violet-dirt-6",
["layer 22"] = "mineral-violet-sand-1",
["layer 23"] = "mineral-violet-sand-2",
["layer 24"] = "mineral-violet-sand-3",
["layer 25"] = "mineral-red-dirt-1",
["layer 26"] = "mineral-red-dirt-2",
["layer 27"] = "mineral-red-dirt-3",
["layer 28"] = "mineral-red-dirt-4",
["layer 29"] = "mineral-red-dirt-5",
["layer 30"] = "mineral-red-dirt-6",
["layer 31"] = "mineral-red-sand-1",
["layer 32"] = "mineral-red-sand-2",
["layer 33"] = "mineral-red-sand-3",
["layer 34"] = "mineral-brown-dirt-1",
["layer 35"] = "mineral-brown-dirt-2",
["layer 36"] = "mineral-brown-dirt-3",
["layer 37"] = "mineral-brown-dirt-4",
["layer 38"] = "mineral-brown-dirt-5",
["layer 39"] = "mineral-brown-dirt-6",
["layer 40"] = "mineral-brown-sand-1",
["layer 41"] = "mineral-brown-sand-2",
["layer 42"] = "mineral-brown-sand-3",
["layer 43"] = "mineral-tan-dirt-1",
["layer 44"] = "mineral-tan-dirt-2",
["layer 45"] = "mineral-tan-dirt-3",
["layer 46"] = "mineral-tan-dirt-4",
["layer 47"] = "mineral-tan-dirt-5",
["layer 48"] = "mineral-tan-dirt-6",
["layer 49"] = "mineral-tan-sand-1",
["layer 50"] = "mineral-tan-sand-2",
["layer 51"] = "mineral-tan-sand-3",
["layer 52"] = "mineral-aubergine-dirt-1",
["layer 53"] = "mineral-aubergine-dirt-2",
["layer 54"] = "mineral-aubergine-dirt-3",
["layer 55"] = "mineral-aubergine-dirt-4",
["layer 56"] = "mineral-aubergine-dirt-5",
["layer 57"] = "mineral-aubergine-dirt-6",
["layer 58"] = "mineral-aubergine-sand-1",
["layer 59"] = "mineral-aubergine-sand-2",
["layer 60"] = "mineral-aubergine-sand-3",
["layer 61"] = "mineral-dustyrose-dirt-1",
["layer 62"] = "mineral-dustyrose-dirt-2",
["layer 63"] = "mineral-dustyrose-dirt-3",
["layer 64"] = "mineral-dustyrose-dirt-4",
["layer 65"] = "mineral-dustyrose-dirt-5",
["layer 66"] = "mineral-dustyrose-dirt-6",
["layer 67"] = "mineral-dustyrose-sand-1",
["layer 68"] = "mineral-dustyrose-sand-2",
["layer 69"] = "mineral-dustyrose-sand-3",
["layer 70"] = "mineral-beige-dirt-1",
["layer 71"] = "mineral-beige-dirt-2",
["layer 72"] = "mineral-beige-dirt-3",
["layer 73"] = "mineral-beige-dirt-4",
["layer 74"] = "mineral-beige-dirt-5",
["layer 75"] = "mineral-beige-dirt-6",
["layer 76"] = "mineral-beige-sand-1",
["layer 77"] = "mineral-beige-sand-2",
["layer 78"] = "mineral-beige-sand-3",
["layer 79"] = "mineral-cream-dirt-1",
["layer 80"] = "mineral-cream-dirt-2",
["layer 81"] = "mineral-cream-dirt-3",
["layer 82"] = "mineral-cream-dirt-4",
["layer 83"] = "mineral-cream-dirt-5",
["layer 84"] = "mineral-cream-dirt-6",
["layer 85"] = "mineral-cream-sand-1",
["layer 86"] = "mineral-cream-sand-2",
["layer 87"] = "mineral-cream-sand-3",
["layer 88"] = "mineral-black-dirt-1",
["layer 89"] = "mineral-black-dirt-2",
["layer 90"] = "mineral-black-dirt-3",
["layer 91"] = "mineral-black-dirt-4",
["layer 92"] = "mineral-black-dirt-5",
["layer 93"] = "mineral-black-dirt-6",
["layer 94"] = "mineral-black-sand-1",
["layer 95"] = "mineral-black-sand-2",
["layer 96"] = "mineral-black-sand-3",
["layer 97"] = "mineral-grey-dirt-1",
["layer 98"] = "mineral-grey-dirt-2",
["layer 99"] = "mineral-grey-dirt-3",
["layer 100"] = "mineral-grey-dirt-4",
["layer 101"] = "mineral-grey-dirt-5",
["layer 102"] = "mineral-grey-dirt-6",
["layer 103"] = "mineral-grey-sand-1",
["layer 104"] = "mineral-grey-sand-2",
["layer 105"] = "mineral-grey-sand-3",
["layer 106"] = "mineral-white-dirt-1",
["layer 107"] = "mineral-white-dirt-2",
["layer 108"] = "mineral-white-dirt-3",
["layer 109"] = "mineral-white-dirt-4",
["layer 110"] = "mineral-white-dirt-5",
["layer 111"] = "mineral-white-dirt-6",
["layer 112"] = "mineral-white-sand-1",
["layer 113"] = "mineral-white-sand-2",
["layer 114"] = "mineral-white-sand-3",
["layer 115"] = "vegetation-turquoise-grass-1",
["layer 116"] = "vegetation-turquoise-grass-2",
["layer 117"] = "vegetation-green-grass-1",
["layer 118"] = "vegetation-green-grass-2",
["layer 119"] = "vegetation-green-grass-3",
["layer 120"] = "vegetation-green-grass-4",
["layer 121"] = "vegetation-olive-grass-1",
["layer 122"] = "vegetation-olive-grass-2",
["layer 123"] = "vegetation-yellow-grass-1",
["layer 124"] = "vegetation-yellow-grass-2",
["layer 125"] = "vegetation-orange-grass-1",
["layer 126"] = "vegetation-orange-grass-2",
["layer 127"] = "vegetation-red-grass-1",
["layer 128"] = "vegetation-red-grass-2",
["layer 129"] = "vegetation-violet-grass-1",
["layer 130"] = "vegetation-violet-grass-2",
["layer 131"] = "vegetation-purple-grass-1",
["layer 132"] = "vegetation-purple-grass-2",
["layer 133"] = "vegetation-mauve-grass-1",
["layer 134"] = "vegetation-mauve-grass-2",
["layer 135"] = "vegetation-blue-grass-1",
["layer 136"] = "vegetation-blue-grass-2",
["layer 137"] = "volcanic-orange-heat-1",
["layer 138"] = "volcanic-orange-heat-2",
["layer 139"] = "volcanic-orange-heat-3",
["layer 140"] = "volcanic-orange-heat-4",
["layer 141"] = "volcanic-green-heat-1",
["layer 142"] = "volcanic-green-heat-2",
["layer 143"] = "volcanic-green-heat-3",
["layer 144"] = "volcanic-green-heat-4",
["layer 145"] = "volcanic-blue-heat-1",
["layer 146"] = "volcanic-blue-heat-2",
["layer 147"] = "volcanic-blue-heat-3",
["layer 148"] = "volcanic-blue-heat-4",
["layer 149"] = "volcanic-purple-heat-1",
["layer 150"] = "volcanic-purple-heat-2",
["layer 151"] = "volcanic-purple-heat-3",
["layer 152"] = "volcanic-purple-heat-4",
["layer 153"] = "frozen-snow-0",
["layer 154"] = "frozen-snow-1",
["layer 155"] = "frozen-snow-2",
["layer 156"] = "frozen-snow-3",
["layer 157"] = "frozen-snow-4",
["layer 158"] = "frozen-snow-5",
["layer 159"] = "frozen-snow-6",
["layer 160"] = "frozen-snow-7",
["layer 161"] = "frozen-snow-8",
["layer 162"] = "frozen-snow-9",
["layer 163"] = "landfill",
["layer 164"] = "tile-unknown",
["layer 165"] = "se-space",
["layer 166"] = "interior-divider",
["layer 167"] = "sand-1",
["layer 168"] = "sand-2",
["layer 169"] = "sand-3",
["layer 170"] = "red-desert-1",
["layer 171"] = "red-desert-2",
["layer 172"] = "red-desert-3",
["layer 173"] = "dry-dirt",
["layer 174"] = "dirt-1",
["layer 175"] = "dirt-2",
["layer 176"] = "se-asteroid",
["layer 177"] = "dirt-3",
["layer 178"] = "dirt-4",
["layer 179"] = "dirt-5",
["layer 180"] = "dirt-6",
["layer 181"] = "dirt-7",
["layer 182"] = "grass-2",
["layer 183"] = "grass-3",
["layer 184"] = "grass-4",
["layer 185"] = "red-desert-0",
["layer 186"] = "nuclear-ground",
["layer 187"] = "tutorial-grid",
["layer 188"] = "rough-stone-path",
["layer 189"] = "stone-path",
["layer 190"] = "concrete",
["layer 191"] = "hazard-concrete-left, hazard-concrete-right",
["layer 192"] = "refined-concrete",
["layer 193"] = "refined-hazard-concrete-left, refined-hazard-concrete-right",
["layer 194"] = "red-refined-concrete",
["layer 195"] = "lab-dark-1",
["layer 196"] = "lab-dark-2",
["layer 197"] = "lab-white",
["layer 198"] = "green-refined-concrete",
["layer 199"] = "blue-refined-concrete",
["layer 200"] = "orange-refined-concrete",
["layer 201"] = "yellow-refined-concrete",
["layer 202"] = "pink-refined-concrete",
["layer 203"] = "purple-refined-concrete",
["layer 204"] = "black-refined-concrete",
["layer 205"] = "kr-white-reinforced-plate",
["layer 206"] = "brown-refined-concrete",
["layer 207"] = "cyan-refined-concrete",
["layer 208"] = "kr-black-reinforced-plate",
["layer 209"] = "acid-refined-concrete",
["layer 210"] = "kr-creep",
["layer 211"] = "se-regolith",
["layer 212"] = "se-space-platform-scaffold",
["layer 213"] = "se-space-platform-plating",
["layer 214"] = "se-spaceship-floor"
2.292 Loading mod jetpack 0.3.14 (data-final-fixes.lua)
2.306 Loading mod nixie-tubes 1.1.4 (data-final-fixes.lua)
2.317 Loading mod robot_attrition 0.5.15 (data-final-fixes.lua)
2.328 Loading mod aai-industry 0.5.22 (data-final-fixes.lua)
2.342 Loading mod LogisticTrainNetwork 1.18.5 (data-final-fixes.lua)
2.345 Script @__LogisticTrainNetwork__/data-final-fixes.lua:65: [LTN] found 1148 items, 56 fluids, 3 locomotives, 1 cargo wagons, 1 fluid wagons, 1 artillery wagons.
2.355 Loading mod Krastorio2 1.3.23 (data-final-fixes.lua)
2.430 Loading mod space-exploration 0.6.123 (data-final-fixes.lua)
2.546 Script @__space-exploration__/prototypes/phase-3/resources.lua:26: Resource has control: iron-ore: iron-ore
2.546 Script @__space-exploration__/prototypes/phase-3/resources.lua:44: Resource can place: iron-ore
2.547 Script @__space-exploration__/prototypes/phase-3/resources.lua:26: Resource has control: copper-ore: copper-ore
2.547 Script @__space-exploration__/prototypes/phase-3/resources.lua:44: Resource can place: copper-ore
2.549 Script @__space-exploration__/prototypes/phase-3/resources.lua:26: Resource has control: coal: coal
2.549 Script @__space-exploration__/prototypes/phase-3/resources.lua:44: Resource can place: coal
2.550 Script @__space-exploration__/prototypes/phase-3/resources.lua:26: Resource has control: stone: stone
2.550 Script @__space-exploration__/prototypes/phase-3/resources.lua:44: Resource can place: stone
2.551 Script @__space-exploration__/prototypes/phase-3/resources.lua:26: Resource has control: uranium-ore: uranium-ore
2.551 Script @__space-exploration__/prototypes/phase-3/resources.lua:44: Resource can place: uranium-ore
2.552 Script @__space-exploration__/prototypes/phase-3/resources.lua:26: Resource has control: crude-oil: crude-oil
2.552 Script @__space-exploration__/prototypes/phase-3/resources.lua:44: Resource can place: crude-oil
2.553 Script @__space-exploration__/prototypes/phase-3/resources.lua:26: Resource has control: rare-metals: rare-metals
2.553 Script @__space-exploration__/prototypes/phase-3/resources.lua:44: Resource can place: rare-metals
2.554 Script @__space-exploration__/prototypes/phase-3/resources.lua:26: Resource has control: mineral-water: mineral-water
2.554 Script @__space-exploration__/prototypes/phase-3/resources.lua:44: Resource can place: mineral-water
2.555 Script @__space-exploration__/prototypes/phase-3/resources.lua:26: Resource has control: imersite: imersite
2.555 Script @__space-exploration__/prototypes/phase-3/resources.lua:44: Resource can place: imersite
2.556 Script @__space-exploration__/prototypes/phase-3/resources.lua:26: Resource has control: se-water-ice: se-water-ice
2.556 Script @__space-exploration__/prototypes/phase-3/resources.lua:44: Resource can place: se-water-ice
2.557 Script @__space-exploration__/prototypes/phase-3/resources.lua:26: Resource has control: se-methane-ice: se-methane-ice
2.557 Script @__space-exploration__/prototypes/phase-3/resources.lua:44: Resource can place: se-methane-ice
2.558 Script @__space-exploration__/prototypes/phase-3/resources.lua:26: Resource has control: se-beryllium-ore: se-beryllium-ice
2.558 Script @__space-exploration__/prototypes/phase-3/resources.lua:44: Resource can place: se-beryllium-ore
2.559 Script @__space-exploration__/prototypes/phase-3/resources.lua:26: Resource has control: se-cryonite: se-cryonite
2.559 Script @__space-exploration__/prototypes/phase-3/resources.lua:44: Resource can place: se-cryonite
2.560 Script @__space-exploration__/prototypes/phase-3/resources.lua:26: Resource has control: se-holmium-ore: se-holmium-ore
2.560 Script @__space-exploration__/prototypes/phase-3/resources.lua:44: Resource can place: se-holmium-ore
2.561 Script @__space-exploration__/prototypes/phase-3/resources.lua:26: Resource has control: se-iridium-ore: se-iridium-ore
2.561 Script @__space-exploration__/prototypes/phase-3/resources.lua:44: Resource can place: se-iridium-ore
2.562 Script @__space-exploration__/prototypes/phase-3/resources.lua:26: Resource has control: se-naquium-ore: se-naquium-ore
2.562 Script @__space-exploration__/prototypes/phase-3/resources.lua:44: Resource can place: se-naquium-ore
2.563 Script @__space-exploration__/prototypes/phase-3/resources.lua:26: Resource has control: se-vulcanite: se-vulcanite
2.563 Script @__space-exploration__/prototypes/phase-3/resources.lua:44: Resource can place: se-vulcanite
2.564 Script @__space-exploration__/prototypes/phase-3/resources.lua:26: Resource has control: se-vitamelange: se-vitamelange
2.564 Script @__space-exploration__/prototypes/phase-3/resources.lua:44: Resource can place: se-vitamelange
2.619 Loading mod space-exploration-postprocess 0.6.27 (data-final-fixes.lua)
2.810 Script @__space-exploration__/collision-mask-util-extended/data/collision-mask-util-extended.lua:115: Named collision layer [planet-tile] set to layer [layer-22]
3.016 Checksum for core: 905122912
3.016 Checksum of base: 1054619811
3.016 Checksum of simhelper: 0
3.016 Checksum of aai-containers: 2377647159
3.016 Checksum of aai-signal-transmission: 117271088
3.016 Checksum of alien-biomes: 775631206
3.016 Checksum of even-distribution: 3296431338
3.016 Checksum of flib: 574468295
3.016 Checksum of FNEI: 2510082999
3.016 Checksum of informatron: 3677685015
3.016 Checksum of jetpack: 705397686
3.016 Checksum of Krastorio2Assets: 0
3.016 Checksum of nixie-tubes: 3762461581
3.016 Checksum of robot_attrition: 3717203635
3.016 Checksum of shield-projector: 1559000050
3.016 Checksum of space-exploration-graphics: 0
3.016 Checksum of space-exploration-graphics-2: 0
3.016 Checksum of space-exploration-graphics-3: 0
3.016 Checksum of space-exploration-graphics-4: 0
3.016 Checksum of space-exploration-graphics-5: 0
3.016 Checksum of space-exploration-menu-simulations: 1283024780
3.016 Checksum of aai-industry: 2140685713
3.016 Checksum of LogisticTrainNetwork: 3591229303
3.016 Checksum of Krastorio2: 2163512778
3.016 Checksum of space-exploration: 3568313182
3.016 Checksum of se-ltn-glue: 550323218
3.016 Checksum of space-exploration-postprocess: 1980877763
3.426 Prototype list checksum: 2602497558
3.532 Loading sounds...
6.411 Info PlayerData.cpp:78: Local player-data.json unavailable
6.411 Info PlayerData.cpp:81: Cloud player-data.json available, timestamp 1706547568
6.593 Initial atlas bitmap size is 16384
6.608 Created atlas bitmap 16384x16384 [none]
6.617 Created atlas bitmap 16384x16380 [none]
6.629 Created atlas bitmap 16384x16376 [none]
6.643 Created atlas bitmap 16384x16380 [none]
6.657 Created atlas bitmap 16384x16364 [none]
6.689 Created atlas bitmap 16384x16380 [none]
6.689 Created atlas bitmap 16384x536 [none]
6.690 Created atlas bitmap 8192x5308 [decal]
6.698 Created atlas bitmap 16384x16352 [low-object, linear-minification]
6.698 Created atlas bitmap 16384x2688 [low-object]
6.699 Created atlas bitmap 16384x10000 [mipmap, linear-minification, linear-magnification, linear-mip-level]
6.700 Created atlas bitmap 16384x13120 [terrain, mipmap, linear-minification, linear-mip-level]
6.700 Created atlas bitmap 8192x1920 [terrain-effect-map, mipmap, linear-minification, linear-mip-level]
6.700 Created atlas bitmap 4096x2416 [smoke, mipmap, linear-minification, linear-magnification]
6.700 Created atlas bitmap 8192x3024 [mipmap]
6.701 Created atlas bitmap 72x72 [not-compressed, mipmap, linear-minification, linear-magnification, linear-mip-level]
6.701 Created atlas bitmap 8192x5056 [icon, not-compressed, mipmap, linear-minification, linear-magnification, linear-mip-level]
6.701 Created atlas bitmap 8192x1980 [alpha-mask]
6.710 Created atlas bitmap 16384x16384 [shadow, linear-magnification, alpha-mask]
6.712 Created atlas bitmap 16384x13284 [shadow, linear-magnification, alpha-mask]
6.712 Created atlas bitmap 16384x4016 [shadow, mipmap, linear-magnification, alpha-mask]
6.712 Created atlas bitmap 2048x752 [icon-background, not-compressed, mipmap, linear-minification, linear-magnification, linear-mip-level, ]
6.718 Texture processor created (2048). GPU accelerated compression Supported: yes, Enabled: yes/yes. Test passed. YCoCgDXT PSNR: 35.83, BC3 PSNR: 33.82
17.368 Parallel Sprite Loader initialized (threads: 23)
25.281 Warning! Sprite at {0,0; 64x64} from __space-exploration-graphics__/graphics/compatability/icons/matter-analysis.png is defined with 4 mipmap levels, but level 1 is expected to be at {64,0; 32x32} which is out of bounds of the source image.
25.555 Warning! Sprite at {0,0; 64x64} from __space-exploration-graphics__/graphics/icons/delivery-cannon-targeter.png is defined with 4 mipmap levels, but level 1 is expected to be at {64,0; 32x32} which is out of bounds of the source image.
25.574 Warning! Sprite at {0,0; 64x64} from __space-exploration-graphics__/graphics/icons/iron-wood-chest.png is defined with 4 mipmap levels, but level 1 is expected to be at {64,0; 32x32} which is out of bounds of the source image.
25.582 Warning! Sprite at {0,0; 64x64} from __space-exploration-graphics__/graphics/icons/railgun-ammo.png is defined with 4 mipmap levels, but level 1 is expected to be at {64,0; 32x32} which is out of bounds of the source image.
25.582 Warning! Sprite at {0,0; 64x64} from __space-exploration-graphics__/graphics/icons/railgun.png is defined with 4 mipmap levels, but level 1 is expected to be at {64,0; 32x32} which is out of bounds of the source image.
25.583 Warning! Sprite at {0,0; 64x64} from __space-exploration-graphics__/graphics/icons/ruin.png is defined with 4 mipmap levels, but level 1 is expected to be at {64,0; 32x32} which is out of bounds of the source image.
25.590 Warning! Sprite at {0,0; 64x64} from __space-exploration-graphics__/graphics/icons/stone-rubble.png is defined with 4 mipmap levels, but level 1 is expected to be at {64,0; 32x32} which is out of bounds of the source image.
25.593 Warning! Sprite at {0,0; 64x64} from __space-exploration-graphics__/graphics/icons/vase.png is defined with 4 mipmap levels, but level 1 is expected to be at {64,0; 32x32} which is out of bounds of the source image.
25.596 Warning! Sprite at {0,0; 64x64} from __space-exploration-graphics__/graphics/icons/wooden-barrel.png is defined with 4 mipmap levels, but level 1 is expected to be at {64,0; 32x32} which is out of bounds of the source image.
25.596 Warning! Sprite at {0,0; 64x64} from __space-exploration-graphics__/graphics/icons/workshop.png is defined with 4 mipmap levels, but level 1 is expected to be at {64,0; 32x32} which is out of bounds of the source image.
25.597 Warning! Sprite at {0,0; 128x128} from __space-exploration-graphics__/graphics/item-group/equipment.png is defined with 2 mipmap levels, but level 1 is expected to be at {128,0; 64x64} which is out of bounds of the source image.
25.597 Warning! Sprite at {0,0; 128x128} from __space-exploration-graphics__/graphics/item-group/manufacturing.png is defined with 2 mipmap levels, but level 1 is expected to be at {128,0; 64x64} which is out of bounds of the source image.
25.598 Warning! Sprite at {0,0; 128x128} from __space-exploration-graphics__/graphics/technology/adaptive-armour-1.png is defined with 4 mipmap levels, but level 1 is expected to be at {128,0; 64x64} which is out of bounds of the source image.
25.598 Warning! Sprite at {0,0; 128x128} from __space-exploration-graphics__/graphics/technology/adaptive-armour-2.png is defined with 4 mipmap levels, but level 1 is expected to be at {128,0; 64x64} which is out of bounds of the source image.
25.598 Warning! Sprite at {0,0; 128x128} from __space-exploration-graphics__/graphics/technology/adaptive-armour-3.png is defined with 4 mipmap levels, but level 1 is expected to be at {128,0; 64x64} which is out of bounds of the source image.
25.598 Warning! Sprite at {0,0; 128x128} from __space-exploration-graphics__/graphics/technology/adaptive-armour-4.png is defined with 4 mipmap levels, but level 1 is expected to be at {128,0; 64x64} which is out of bounds of the source image.
25.599 Warning! Sprite at {0,0; 128x128} from __space-exploration-graphics__/graphics/technology/adaptive-armour-5.png is defined with 4 mipmap levels, but level 1 is expected to be at {128,0; 64x64} which is out of bounds of the source image.
25.608 Warning! Sprite at {0,0; 128x128} from __space-exploration-graphics__/graphics/technology/energy-shield-blue.png is defined with 4 mipmap levels, but level 1 is expected to be at {128,0; 64x64} which is out of bounds of the source image.
25.608 Warning! Sprite at {0,0; 128x128} from __space-exploration-graphics__/graphics/technology/energy-shield-cyan.png is defined with 4 mipmap levels, but level 1 is expected to be at {128,0; 64x64} which is out of bounds of the source image.
25.608 Warning! Sprite at {0,0; 128x128} from __space-exploration-graphics__/graphics/technology/energy-shield-green.png is defined with 4 mipmap levels, but level 1 is expected to be at {128,0; 64x64} which is out of bounds of the source image.
25.608 Warning! Sprite at {0,0; 128x128} from __space-exploration-graphics__/graphics/technology/energy-shield-magenta.png is defined with 4 mipmap levels, but level 1 is expected to be at {128,0; 64x64} which is out of bounds of the source image.
25.608 Warning! Sprite at {0,0; 128x128} from __space-exploration-graphics__/graphics/technology/energy-shield-red.png is defined with 4 mipmap levels, but level 1 is expected to be at {128,0; 64x64} which is out of bounds of the source image.
25.608 Warning! Sprite at {0,0; 128x128} from __space-exploration-graphics__/graphics/technology/energy-shield-yellow.png is defined with 4 mipmap levels, but level 1 is expected to be at {128,0; 64x64} which is out of bounds of the source image.
25.610 Warning! Sprite at {0,0; 128x128} from __space-exploration-graphics__/graphics/technology/lifesupport-equipment-1.png is defined with 4 mipmap levels, but level 1 is expected to be at {128,0; 64x64} which is out of bounds of the source image.
25.610 Warning! Sprite at {0,0; 128x128} from __space-exploration-graphics__/graphics/technology/lifesupport-equipment-2.png is defined with 4 mipmap levels, but level 1 is expected to be at {128,0; 64x64} which is out of bounds of the source image.
25.610 Warning! Sprite at {0,0; 128x128} from __space-exploration-graphics__/graphics/technology/lifesupport-equipment-3.png is defined with 4 mipmap levels, but level 1 is expected to be at {128,0; 64x64} which is out of bounds of the source image.
25.610 Warning! Sprite at {0,0; 128x128} from __space-exploration-graphics__/graphics/technology/lifesupport-equipment-4.png is defined with 4 mipmap levels, but level 1 is expected to be at {128,0; 64x64} which is out of bounds of the source image.
25.611 Warning! Sprite at {0,0; 128x128} from __space-exploration-graphics__/graphics/technology/modules/effectivity-1.png is defined with 4 mipmap levels, but level 1 is expected to be at {128,0; 64x64} which is out of bounds of the source image.
25.611 Warning! Sprite at {0,0; 128x128} from __space-exploration-graphics__/graphics/technology/modules/effectivity-2.png is defined with 4 mipmap levels, but level 1 is expected to be at {128,0; 64x64} which is out of bounds of the source image.
25.611 Warning! Sprite at {0,0; 128x128} from __space-exploration-graphics__/graphics/technology/modules/effectivity-3.png is defined with 4 mipmap levels, but level 1 is expected to be at {128,0; 64x64} which is out of bounds of the source image.
25.611 Warning! Sprite at {0,0; 128x128} from __space-exploration-graphics__/graphics/technology/modules/productivity-1.png is defined with 4 mipmap levels, but level 1 is expected to be at {128,0; 64x64} which is out of bounds of the source image.
25.611 Warning! Sprite at {0,0; 128x128} from __space-exploration-graphics__/graphics/technology/modules/productivity-2.png is defined with 4 mipmap levels, but level 1 is expected to be at {128,0; 64x64} which is out of bounds of the source image.
25.611 Warning! Sprite at {0,0; 128x128} from __space-exploration-graphics__/graphics/technology/modules/productivity-3.png is defined with 4 mipmap levels, but level 1 is expected to be at {128,0; 64x64} which is out of bounds of the source image.
25.612 Warning! Sprite at {0,0; 128x128} from __space-exploration-graphics__/graphics/technology/modules/speed-1.png is defined with 4 mipmap levels, but level 1 is expected to be at {128,0; 64x64} which is out of bounds of the source image.
25.612 Warning! Sprite at {0,0; 128x128} from __space-exploration-graphics__/graphics/technology/modules/speed-2.png is defined with 4 mipmap levels, but level 1 is expected to be at {128,0; 64x64} which is out of bounds of the source image.
25.612 Warning! Sprite at {0,0; 128x128} from __space-exploration-graphics__/graphics/technology/modules/speed-3.png is defined with 4 mipmap levels, but level 1 is expected to be at {128,0; 64x64} which is out of bounds of the source image.
25.614 Warning! Sprite at {0,0; 128x128} from __space-exploration-graphics__/graphics/technology/rtg-equipment-2.png is defined with 4 mipmap levels, but level 1 is expected to be at {128,0; 64x64} which is out of bounds of the source image.
25.614 Warning! Sprite at {0,0; 128x128} from __space-exploration-graphics__/graphics/technology/rtg-equipment.png is defined with 4 mipmap levels, but level 1 is expected to be at {128,0; 64x64} which is out of bounds of the source image.
25.732 Sprites loaded
25.743 Generated mipmaps (4) for atlas [8] of size 16384x16352
25.754 Generated mipmaps (4) for atlas [9] of size 16384x2688
25.765 Generated mipmaps (3) for atlas [10] of size 16384x10000
25.776 Generated mipmaps (3) for atlas [11] of size 16384x13120
25.798 Generated mipmaps (3) for atlas [12] of size 8192x1920
25.809 Generated mipmaps (3) for atlas [13] of size 4096x2416
25.854 Generated mipmaps (3) for atlas [14] of size 8192x3024
25.865 Generated mipmaps (3) for atlas [15] of size 72x72
25.876 Generated mipmaps (5) for atlas [16] of size 8192x5056
25.887 Generated mipmaps (3) for atlas [20] of size 16384x4016
25.908 Custom mipmaps uploaded (2919)
25.916 Custom inputs active: 45
26.140 Script @__simhelper__/modloader.lua:90: ignored filters
26.140 Script @__simhelper__/modloader.lua:90: ignored filters
26.140 Script @__simhelper__/modloader.lua:90: ignored filters
26.140 Script @__simhelper__/modloader.lua:90: ignored filters
26.140 Script @__simhelper__/modloader.lua:90: ignored filters
26.140 Script @__simhelper__/modloader.lua:90: ignored filters
26.140 Script @__simhelper__/modloader.lua:90: ignored filters
26.140 Script @__simhelper__/modloader.lua:90: ignored filters
26.140 Script @__simhelper__/modloader.lua:90: ignored filters
26.254 Script @__space-exploration__/scripts/migrate.lua:293: space-exploration Running migration script for version 0.6.66
26.254 Script @__space-exploration__/scripts/migrate.lua:293: space-exploration Running migration script for version 0.6.71
26.254 Script @__space-exploration__/scripts/migrate.lua:293: space-exploration Running migration script for version 0.6.74
26.254 Script @__space-exploration__/scripts/migrate.lua:293: space-exploration Running migration script for version 0.6.79
26.254 Script @__space-exploration__/scripts/migrate.lua:293: space-exploration Running migration script for version 0.6.82
26.254 Script @__space-exploration__/scripts/migrate.lua:293: space-exploration Running migration script for version 0.6.86
26.254 Script @__space-exploration__/scripts/migrate.lua:293: space-exploration Running migration script for version 0.6.87
26.254 Script @__space-exploration__/scripts/migrate.lua:293: space-exploration Running migration script for version 0.6.88
26.254 Script @__space-exploration__/scripts/migrate.lua:293: space-exploration Running migration script for version 0.6.95
26.254 Script @__space-exploration__/scripts/migrate.lua:293: space-exploration Running migration script for version 0.6.100
26.254 Script @__space-exploration__/scripts/migrate.lua:293: space-exploration Running migration script for version 0.6.102
26.254 Script @__space-exploration__/scripts/migrate.lua:293: space-exploration Running migration script for version 0.6.105
26.257 Script @__space-exploration__/scripts/migrate.lua:293: space-exploration Running migration script for version 0.6.106
26.257 Script @__space-exploration__/scripts/migrate.lua:293: space-exploration Running migration script for version 0.6.107
26.343 Script @__space-exploration__/scripts/migrate.lua:293: space-exploration Running migration script for version 0.6.108
26.343 Script @__space-exploration__/scripts/migrate.lua:293: space-exploration Running migration script for version 0.6.109
26.343 Script @__space-exploration__/scripts/migrate.lua:293: space-exploration Running migration script for version 0.6.113
26.343 Script @__space-exploration__/scripts/migrate.lua:293: space-exploration Running migration script for version 0.6.117
26.344 Script @__space-exploration__/scripts/migrate.lua:293: space-exploration Running migration script for version 0.6.118
26.344 Script @__space-exploration__/scripts/migrate.lua:293: space-exploration Running migration script for version 0.6.121
26.344 Script @__space-exploration__/scripts/migrate.lua:293: space-exploration Running migration script for version 0.6.122
26.345 Script @__space-exploration__/scripts/migrate.lua:293: space-exploration Running migration script for version 0.6.123
26.545 Factorio initialised
26.560 Steam Storage Quota: 22916/23841
120.697 Info ServerSynchronizer.cpp:31: nextHeartbeatSequenceNumber(0) initialized Synchronizer nextTickClosureTick(0).
120.697 Info ServerMultiplayerManager.cpp:816: updateTick(4294967295) changing state from(Ready) to(PreparedToHostGame)
120.697 Info ServerMultiplayerManager.cpp:816: updateTick(4294967295) changing state from(PreparedToHostGame) to(CreatingGame)
120.702 Loading map C:\Users\sbryz\AppData\Roaming\Factorio\saves\ 18258192 bytes.
120.703 Error ServerMultiplayerManager.cpp:92: MultiplayerManager failed: "Opening zip C:/Users/sbryz/AppData/Roaming/Factorio/saves/ failed: Bad zip file"
120.705 Info ServerMultiplayerManager.cpp:816: updateTick(4294967295) changing state from(CreatingGame) to(InitializationFailed)
127.664 Info ServerMultiplayerManager.cpp:154: Quitting multiplayer connection.
127.664 Info ServerMultiplayerManager.cpp:816: updateTick(4294967295) changing state from(InitializationFailed) to(Closed)
127.664 Info UDPSocket.cpp:233: Closing socket
146.008 Info ServerSynchronizer.cpp:31: nextHeartbeatSequenceNumber(0) initialized Synchronizer nextTickClosureTick(0).
146.008 Info ServerMultiplayerManager.cpp:816: updateTick(4294967295) changing state from(Ready) to(PreparedToHostGame)
146.008 Info ServerMultiplayerManager.cpp:816: updateTick(4294967295) changing state from(PreparedToHostGame) to(CreatingGame)
146.009 Loading map C:\Users\sbryz\AppData\Roaming\Factorio\saves\ 22921437 bytes.
146.039 Loading level.dat: 65730470 bytes.
146.041 Info Scenario.cpp:204: Map version 1.1.101-1
146.668 Loading blueprint storage: Local timestamp 1706533143, Cloud timestamp 1706533145
146.701 Loading script.dat: 4002064 bytes.
146.712 Checksum for script C:/Users/sbryz/AppData/Roaming/Factorio/temp/currently-playing/control.lua: 3702463597
146.713 Checksum for script __aai-signal-transmission__/control.lua: 3246550091
146.714 Checksum for script __alien-biomes__/control.lua: 1814481397
146.714 Script @__even-distribution__/framework.lua:72: 0 [ED] Initializing framework... DEBUG = false
146.714 Script @__even-distribution__/framework.lua:72: 0 [ED] Registering custom scripts...
146.714 Script @__even-distribution__/framework.lua:72: 0 [ED] Script: metatables
146.715 Script @__even-distribution__/framework.lua:72: 0 [ED] Script: util
146.715 Script @__even-distribution__/framework.lua:72: 0 [ED] Script: helpers
146.715 Script @__even-distribution__/framework.lua:72: 0 [ED] Script: setup
146.715 Script @__even-distribution__/framework.lua:72: 0 [ED] Script: remote
146.715 Script @__even-distribution__/framework.lua:72: 0 [ED] Script: visuals
146.716 Script @__even-distribution__/framework.lua:72: 0 [ED] Script: gui-tools
146.716 Script @__even-distribution__/framework.lua:72: 0 [ED] Script: drag
146.716 Script @__even-distribution__/framework.lua:72: 0 [ED] Script: cleanup
146.716 Script @__even-distribution__/framework.lua:72: 0 [ED] GUI-Script: settings-gui
146.717 Script @__even-distribution__/framework.lua:72: 0 [ED] Registering default event handlers...
146.717 Script @__even-distribution__/framework.lua:72: 0 [ED] Registering custom inputs...
146.717 Script @__even-distribution__/framework.lua:72: 0 [ED] Input: inventory-cleanup event: on_inventory_cleanup
146.717 Script @__even-distribution__/framework.lua:72: 0 [ED] Input: fast-entity-transfer-hook event: on_fast_entity_transfer_hook
146.717 Script @__even-distribution__/framework.lua:72: 0 [ED] Input: fast-entity-split-hook event: on_fast_entity_split_hook
146.718 Script @__even-distribution__/framework.lua:72: 0 [ED] Successfully initialized
146.718 Checksum for script __even-distribution__/control.lua: 850894597
146.723 Checksum for script __FNEI__/control.lua: 3461276190
146.724 Checksum for script __informatron__/control.lua: 2245850782
146.727 Checksum for script __jetpack__/control.lua: 826306685
146.727 Checksum for script __nixie-tubes__/control.lua: 1585146953
146.728 Checksum for script __robot_attrition__/control.lua: 3576548156
146.730 Checksum for script __shield-projector__/control.lua: 2583582067
146.731 Checksum for script __aai-industry__/control.lua: 3660103181
146.734 Checksum for script __LogisticTrainNetwork__/control.lua: 2310901153
146.739 Checksum for script __Krastorio2__/control.lua: 2424813832
146.815 Checksum for script __space-exploration__/control.lua: 2300071163
146.816 Checksum for script __se-ltn-glue__/control.lua: 2555148600
146.817 Checksum for script __space-exploration-postprocess__/control.lua: 3029495636
146.936 Info UDPSocket.cpp:33: Opening socket at (IP ADDR:({}))
146.936 Hosting game at IP ADDR:({})
146.936 Info HttpSharedState.cpp:58: Downloading
147.691 Info AuthServerConnector.cpp:96: Obtained serverPadlock for serverHash (fqaqtCjInZewNmChNXJsBlHgM04cqdfY) from the auth server.
147.691 Info ServerMultiplayerManager.cpp:816: updateTick(10170001) changing state from(CreatingGame) to(InGame)
147.691 Info UDPSocket.cpp:45: Opening socket for broadcast
147.696 Info GameActionHandler.cpp:5082: UpdateTick (10170001) processed PlayerJoinGame peerID(0) playerIndex(0) mode(connect)
147.951 Info SteamContext.cpp:549: Lobby created callback started.
147.951 Info SteamContext.cpp:556: Lobby created succeeded.
147.951 Info SteamContext.cpp:578: Lobby creation finished.
147.951 Info SteamContext.cpp:586: Entered own lobby.
158.139 Info AppManagerStates.cpp:2007: Saving finished
448.215 Info AppManager.cpp:321: Saving to _autosave2 (blocking).
448.656 Info BlueprintShelf.cpp:724: Saving blueprint storage.
448.691 Saved blueprint storage to cloud
448.715 Info AppManagerStates.cpp:2007: Saving finished
749.147 Info AppManager.cpp:321: Saving to _autosave3 (blocking).
749.418 Error CrashHandler.cpp:498: Exception Code: c0000005, Address: 0x00007ff7b27e1806
ModuleBase: 0x00007ff7b1c60000, ImageSize: 01f07000, RelativeAddress: 00b81806
749.418 Error CrashHandler.cpp:504: Access Violation: Read at address FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF
749.418 Error CrashHandler.cpp:518: Exception Context:
rax=0000028152acf810, rbx=0200000000000000, rcx=000002818831a838,
rdx=000000de456fe7a0, rsi=0000028188319690, rdi=0000028188319fb8,
rip=00007ff7b27e1806, rsp=000000de456fe140, rbp=000000de456fe1c9,
r8=0000028188319690, r9=00000281650a3430, r10=000000de456fe150,
r11=000002814ace41bd, r12=000000000000000f, r13=000000de456fe7a0,
r14=000000de456fe7a0, r15=0000000000000002
749.418 Crashed in D:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Factorio\bin\x64\Factorio.exe (0x00007ff7b1c60000 - 0x00007ff7b3b67000)
Factorio crashed. Generating symbolized stacktrace, please wait ...
c:\users\build\appdata\local\temp\factorio-build-yrsvnh\libraries\stackwalker\stackwalker.cpp (924): StackWalker::ShowCallstack
c:\users\build\appdata\local\temp\factorio-build-yrsvnh\src\util\logger.cpp (339): Logger::writeStacktrace
c:\users\build\appdata\local\temp\factorio-build-yrsvnh\src\util\logger.cpp (346): Logger::logStacktrace
c:\users\build\appdata\local\temp\factorio-build-yrsvnh\src\util\crashhandler.cpp (190): CrashHandler::writeStackTrace
c:\users\build\appdata\local\temp\factorio-build-yrsvnh\src\util\crashhandler.cpp (547): CrashHandler::SehHandler
ERROR: SymGetLineFromAddr64, GetLastError: 487 (Address: 00007FF9BAB0C90C)
00007FF9BAB0C90C (KERNELBASE): (filename not available): UnhandledExceptionFilter
ERROR: SymGetLineFromAddr64, GetLastError: 487 (Address: 00007FF9BD678ABD)
00007FF9BD678ABD (ntdll): (filename not available): memcpy
ERROR: SymGetLineFromAddr64, GetLastError: 487 (Address: 00007FF9BD65F197)
00007FF9BD65F197 (ntdll): (filename not available): _C_specific_handler
ERROR: SymGetLineFromAddr64, GetLastError: 487 (Address: 00007FF9BD67441F)
00007FF9BD67441F (ntdll): (filename not available): _chkstk
ERROR: SymGetLineFromAddr64, GetLastError: 487 (Address: 00007FF9BD5EE466)
00007FF9BD5EE466 (ntdll): (filename not available): RtlFindCharInUnicodeString
ERROR: SymGetLineFromAddr64, GetLastError: 487 (Address: 00007FF9BD67340E)
00007FF9BD67340E (ntdll): (filename not available): KiUserExceptionDispatcher
c:\users\build\appdata\local\temp\factorio-build-yrsvnh\src\surface\chunk.cpp (203): Chunk::preSaveHook
c:\users\build\appdata\local\temp\factorio-build-yrsvnh\src\surface\surface.cpp (911): Surface::preSaveHook
c:\users\build\appdata\local\temp\factorio-build-yrsvnh\src\map\map.cpp (1469): Map::save
c:\users\build\appdata\local\temp\factorio-build-yrsvnh\src\scenario\scenario.cpp (1086): Scenario::saveMap
c:\users\build\appdata\local\temp\factorio-build-yrsvnh\src\scenario\scenario.cpp (969): Scenario::saveAs
c:\users\build\appdata\local\temp\factorio-build-yrsvnh\src\scenario\parallelscenariosaver.cpp (114): ParallelScenarioSaver::doSave
c:\program files (x86)\microsoft visual studio\2017\community\vc\tools\msvc\14.16.27023\include\thr\xthread (230): std::_LaunchPad<std::unique_ptr<std::tuple<void (__cdecl PackagePathAdapter::*)(void),PackagePathAdapter *>,std::default_delete<std::tuple<void (__cdecl PackagePathAdapter::*)(void),PackagePathAdapter *> > > >::_Go
c:\program files (x86)\microsoft visual studio\2017\community\vc\tools\msvc\14.16.27023\include\thr\xthread (209): std::_Pad::_Call_func
minkernel\crts\ucrt\src\appcrt\startup\thread.cpp (97): thread_start<unsigned int (__cdecl*)(void *),1>
ERROR: SymGetLineFromAddr64, GetLastError: 487 (Address: 00007FF9BB60257D)
00007FF9BB60257D (KERNEL32): (filename not available): BaseThreadInitThunk
ERROR: SymGetLineFromAddr64, GetLastError: 487 (Address: 00007FF9BD62AA58)
00007FF9BD62AA58 (ntdll): (filename not available): RtlUserThreadStart
Stack trace logging done
755.331 Error CrashHandler.cpp:195: Map tick at moment of crash: 10206001
755.365 Info CrashHandler.cpp:315: Executable CRC: 2602457318
755.365 Error Util.cpp:100: Unexpected error occurred. If you're running the latest version of the game you can help us solve the problem by posting the contents of the log file on the Factorio forums.
Please also include the save file(s), any mods you may be using, and any steps you know of to reproduce the crash.
772.094 Uploading log file
772.107 Error CrashHandler.cpp:266: Heap validation: success.
772.108 Creating crash dump.
772.246 CrashDump success