Version Mismatch, but there isn't?

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Version Mismatch, but there isn't?

Post by JerAdams »

I have a headless server that I have built on a Centos VM. It's running and registered and showing in the MP menu.

The logs show it's running 1.1.100.
The logs show it loaded build 61920.
The MP menu shows it having base 1.1.100.

When I try to connect it alerts a version mismatch saying:
Version mismatch detected!
You are running version 1.1.100.
Server is running version 1.1.50.
I can connect to it with my internal IP, load the game run around and leave and it saves. I just can't go through the 'Browse Public Games' way.

Any ideas?
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Re: Version Mismatch, but there isn't?

Post by vinzenz »

Maybe there’s a second instance of factorio running on your server?
bringing the oops to devops
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