[1.1.100] Minor graphical glitch when dismanteling walls while a research is completed

Things that has been reported already before.
Manual Inserter
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Joined: Wed Dec 13, 2023 4:46 pm

[1.1.100] Minor graphical glitch when dismanteling walls while a research is completed

Post by Turboloser »


The "Research completed" notification jitters when you dismantle a wall while the message is shown.

How to reproduce

1. Start a research
2. Build some walls
3. Wait until the research has been completed. A notification appears in the lower left corner.
4. While the notification is visible, dismantle the walls by right-click and -hold. The notification will start jittering.

You can also use the attached savegame for testing. A research will be completed a few seconds after loading the savegame, walls to dismantle are nearby. Also see the .gif in case you can't reproduce the bug.

Files: https://1drv.ms/f/s!Am4rMwGkw6baip4fu_f ... Q?e=jADDvB
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