Prevent log to powershell window

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Prevent log to powershell window

Post by moon69 »

I have a powershell script to launch Factorio on Win10.

Code: Select all

pwsh -FilePath Factorio.ps1
The script finishes with the launch command...

Code: Select all

$process = (Start-Process -FilePath C:\Factorio\bin\x64\Factorio.exe)
I've used the above command for years now, but since I recently started Factorio-ising again it's started dumping the log to the powershell session preventing the script session window from closing.

What puzzles me is that start-process documentation indicates is should open the process in a new window, but it doesn't - the log appears in the same window as the rest of the script.

I thought it might have been related to installing Powershell 7.x, but the issue occurs on 5.1 as well.

I can't see any relevant options in Factorio Command_line_parameters - have I missed something?

How can I launch Factorio from a script and force the logging only to file?
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