LuaGuiElement.drag_target for relative gui elements.

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LuaGuiElement.drag_target for relative gui elements.

Post by eradicator »

The circuit connector side-panel drag handle can be used to drag the main window, I would like to mimic this for modded side-panels. According to one of the FFFs the gui is being worked on again for "the addon", so maybe this could be shoved in somewhere? I'm not in a hurry.

draghandle.png (233.24 KiB) Viewed 892 times
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Smart Inserter
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Re: LuaGuiElement.drag_target for relative gui elements.

Post by Deadlock989 »


Relative GUIs can't drag the frame they are attached to because "the element needs to be a child of the drag_target at some level" and "only top-level elements in LuaGui::screen can be drag_targets". Relative GUIs aren't a child of gui.screen at all so they can't drag themselves, and I guess technically they are not a child of their anchor either so they can't drag the GUI they are attached to. But if the sidebar has a substantial header and you are following GUI style, it's weird for the player to try and drag a dragbar and not have it drag.
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