[0.4.1]Replay crash

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[0.4.1]Replay crash

Post by gr0mpel »

hey guys,

when watchin a replay (custom szenario), the game crashes the moment that i attack a creeper (important information: "attack" is assigned to "middle-mouse-button")
furthermore i noticed that the replay doesnt match the actual game before the crash. i loose half my hp and a assembling machine gets destroyed in the replay..in the actual game that didnt happen...

i tried to reproduce the error with following resutls (since i dont have a savegame thats short of 1h - when the first creepers attack - i used the campaign...dont know if thats a stupid idea because of the missing freeplay.lua):

NO crash in campaign..
neither with "C" nor "MMB" under following circumstances:

placing a lab, hovering over it while killing the creeps
placing a assembling machine, hovering over it while killing the creeps
normal " in the field combat with no obsticles around" :)

following error message occurs

edit: reduced imagesize
errormessage_replaybug.jpg (209.57 KiB) Viewed 5134 times
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Re: [0.4.1]Replay crash

Post by kovarex »


thank you for the report. We know that the replay still has some desynchronisation issue (related to enemies), it is specified in the 0.4.1 release notes.

I'm working all I can on this release tasks, so I get spare time to solve this problem (it is one of the hardest investigations to correct these desynchronisation bugs).
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Re: [0.4.1]Replay crash

Post by gr0mpel »

didnt saw THAT :o
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