I bought a bunch of stuff to build myself a new desktop. Last one was built 12 years ago and the mobo gave out a couple of years ago and I've only now really had the money to get a new one (been using an HP ZBook since... and it hasn't been too shabby, either!). Out of the many components ordered (I did a full fresh build, reusing nothing from my old), I bought the MSI MPG Z790 Carbon Wifi motherboard, Intel i7-13700KF proc, and 2x of the G.SKILL Trident Z5 RGB Series 64GB (2 x 32GB) DDR5 5600 desktop RAM (I was going a full RGB setup, here ). (Just to put this out there, too, I don't overclock. I prefer buying stuff with better base speeds from the start.) The RAM I bought was 5600 MHz (the highest you can really go before you have to start overclocking as far as I'm aware with DDR5), it was RGB (cool!), and had a CAS latency of 28 (which was the lowest of just about anything else at 5600 MHz that I saw (most were around 38-40)). I was kind of excited about this.
So I get everything in this past weekend, slap it all together, boot it up, and the bios shows the RAM running at 4000 MHz instead of the expected 5600 MHz. What?! Do all kinds of searching and lo and behold, that's expected! Always has been, apparently, just something about DDR5 exaggerates it more or something? Something to do with the 4 slots actually being daisy-chained (as pairs)? I don't know, I'm not going to be able to explain it well, but apparently it's all explained in this thread on MSI's boards (https://forum-en.msi.com/index.php?thre ... ng.363139/).
So, whatever, from what I've read, you can sometimes overclock the RAM back up, but not always. I go ahead and try it using XMP... highest I can get is 5200 MHz before the computer fails to boot saying the overclock failed and then reverts to previous settings.
(Edit: Failed to mention in here that I did update the bios to their latest version.)
But now I have some questions in my head about all of this:
- What happens to the CAS latency like this? I wasn't able to find much on this, just situations where the RAM got underclocked by mixing RAM, thus the "better" RAM defaults to the same as the lower RAM. Is the latency in this case now no better than any other typical 5200 MHz RAM out there? Or does it still retain some of this custom profile for the latency?
- Is there a better way? Are there better options for mobos that wouldn't have this issue (don't use the daisy-chain method)? Or would buying a 4 stick RAM kit be better vs two 2 stick kits? But then how would their speed and latency compare (and I guess this kind of depends on the answer to the above question about the underclocking affect on latency)? For example, Corsair apparently makes a 4 stick RGB kit, but it's rated as 5200 MHz (slower) and a CAS Latency of 40 (much worse). If I plug this into my mobo, will it also be underclocked and I'll just be worse off? Should I just buy a 2 stick kit of 64 GB modules? Or is the difference in all of this (even in the world of Factorio ) going to be so minor that it's not worth fretting over?