Menu Bar shows when in Fullscreen on Mac

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Joined: Tue Sep 15, 2015 5:44 am

Menu Bar shows when in Fullscreen on Mac

Post by scarhoof »

Hi there. When I play Factorio on my M1 Mac in Fullscreen, it runs great! Until I move the mouse to the top of the screen and the Mac Menu Bar pops down and interrupts the game. I can't find a way to turn this off.

Forum posts seem to say this is just the way Apple handles Fullscreen, but other posts say that some games/application are coded to ignore the Menu Bar and only display themselves fully. Apparantly this has to be handled by the game/app dev.

I've tried messing with some graphics settings in Factorio itself but those don't seem to change the behavior. Is there a way to fix it that isn't using Terminal to disable the Menu Bar system wide, or is this a feature that could be incorporated into a future release of Factorio?
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