New players can get confused and skip over tech with research queue, but every experienced player wants it on by default. Here is my solution.What ?
Research queue is off by default.Make it off by default for new players, but on by default for experienced players.
For example when you make a map 3 times, from the 4th time forward the queue will be on by default. Or when you have other mods than base and expansion. Or even make it an interface setting. Or based on how many times you beat the game.
Why ?
This is infuriating for people who constantly forget to turn it on . I'm sure every experienced player is just like me, wanting to enable research queue all the time. However new players need the queue to be off. I'm sure you would have set it to on by default if it wasn't for new players.When I asked why, a Discord member replied with "factorio is more focused on new players who should not have to fiddle with settings, by not giving them the queue, it lowers the chance of players racing past tech and not paying attention to what they are unlocking" and this is highly agreeable.
Additional ?
(couldn't log in to tomsterBG so i'm this account now)Yes, you can use this command
It would be much more convenient if you didn't have to.
The game is so high quality and polished, even over-polished in many ways. Let's over-polish it even more!