Yeah agree with that. That lead us again to the thing that factories should have quality control switch that set desired output quality. This feature would be activated only while you have quality module inside and higher the quality module the faster production it would be and better desired quality the more resources and time it would cost to produce. But as a new feature it could produce bad products by low chance (lets say about few percentage). So you would have to dealt with this. But i would do it differently. The bad pruducts would be marked as bad and you couldnt use this products right away for another production. You could try to fix the product but in lower success rate (but in desired quality) and chance to lose whole thing or you could recycle it but you would lose some input materials.Jon8RFC wrote: Thu Sep 14, 2023 5:10 pmHilariously, that is/was the method of American car production.draslin wrote: Wed Sep 13, 2023 12:04 pm I like the idea in principle, but the randomness of the quality seems contradictory to the nature of engineering. IRL, Nobody would tolerate building a car, which randomly attains the desired quality, and subsequently recycling multiple runs of it until it comes out perfect by chance.
I recall reading an article about American engineers going to a Japanese vehicle production plant for a tour and asking where their bone yard was. The Japanese were confused and everyone thought there was a translation issue.
It turned out that the American engineers would just toss numerous bad parts/cars off to the side. The Japanese didn't have such a situation. They said "when we produce something bad, we examine it to find out why it was bad and make corrections so that it doesn't happen again".
THAT is what I call a reasonable choice not just use quality and have advatage or dont and starve.