
Things that are not directly connected with Factorio.
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Post by cingulata »

Hello everybody,

I am happy to find that there exists an "old school" forum for this wonderful game. I apologize in advance if this kind of post is not in the right location or if introduction posts aren't the norm. Can I use "I'm new here" as an excuse?

I am currently about 60 hours deep into Factorio according to Steam, though truth be told about 10 of those were spent years ago, and only on the tutorial. I had a great time but also realized that my wife was about 7 months pregnant at the time and perhaps it was better for all 2.5 of us if I didn't go much further at that point in time. It's been a great (albeit crazy) few years and the balance of that Steam timelog has been filled up in the past few weeks; I think past-me had good instincts... Oh yeah, our kid is doing great as well.

I'm deep enough into my second starter factory to realize the more I know, the less I know. And that's only the stuff I know about. While figuring things out is absolutely part of the fun for me, I have found myself visiting here as a guest to glean some general information and guidelines to cut down on SOME of the "Oh...crap... I didn't plan for that at all" moments. As mentioned, that dang kid really cuts into my Factorio time and I like my developments to be relatively future-proof, lest things grind to a near complete halt. Current status: after crafting about 200 blue chips, I have realized I was off by about an order of magnitude (minimum) on my input estimates. Oh well, time to plan starter base Mk. III while Bluey is on...

A bit about myself: I am old enough to now hear top 40 hits from my high school years played in the grocery store. I have been a manufacturing process development engineer for the entirety of my professional career. I believe it is safe to say I have found a game that fits my interests, if not my schedule...

In review, that was certainly more than I intended to say about myself. I will be here often, so I figured I'd give some context while I browse the great wealth of information here.

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Re: Introduction

Post by disentius »

It is not very busy here atm, everybody is waiting for the expansion.
If you want a more active conversation, try the discord forum; lots of forum members are there too.
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