Also, some of the paths seem to go the long way to reach the destinations, rather than taking more direct routes. What I'm getting hung up on is this field collision_mask that I'm supposed to pass to request_path. I'm not sure what values to use. None of the combinations I've tried have worked.
Here is my code:
Code: Select all
character_is_moving = false
path_index = 1
path = nil
-- Determines which direction the character should go.
local function get_direction(start_position, end_position)
local angle = math.atan2(end_position.y - start_position.y, start_position.x - end_position.x)
-- Given a circle representing the angles, it is divided into eight octants representing the cardinal directions.
local octant = (angle + math.pi) / (2 * math.pi) * 8 + 0.5
if octant < 1 then
return defines.direction.east
elseif octant < 2 then
return defines.direction.northeast
elseif octant < 3 then
return defines.direction.north
elseif octant < 4 then
return defines.direction.northwest
elseif octant < 5 then
return defines.direction.west
elseif octant < 6 then
return defines.direction.southwest
elseif octant < 7 then
return defines.direction.south
return defines.direction.southeast
function positions_approximately_equal(a, b)
return math.abs(a.x - b.x) < 0.25 and math.abs(a.y - b.y) < 0.25
-- Requests a path when the map is clicked.
script.on_event("mouse-click", function (event)
local surface = game.get_surface("nauvis")
local character = game.get_player(1).character
bounding_box = character.bounding_box,
collision_mask = character.prototype.collision_mask,
start = character.position,
goal = event.cursor_position,
force = "player"
-- Initializes the movement process when the path is received.
script.on_event(, function (event)
character_is_moving = true
path = event.path
path_index = 1
-- Moves the character.
script.on_event(, function (event)
local character = game.get_player(1).character
if character_is_moving and path ~= nil then
if positions_approximately_equal(character.position, path[path_index].position) then
-- waypoint reached
path_index = path_index + 1 -- select the next waypoint
if path_index == #path then
character_is_moving = false
path_index = 1
-- move the character for one tick
game.get_player(1).walking_state = {
walking = true,
direction = get_direction(character.position, path[path_index].position)