I am experiencing multiple crashes when playing, but don't have exact way to reproduce it.
I suspect something to do with fighting Rampant mobs, as crashes at first occurred mostly when fighting near spawners, and they intensified with time. I cannot confirm that as game can crash when I am setting up some production too, but currently there are some fighting going fairly often so it could be this.
First crash started appearing fairly early - after red/green science.
Example - had game crash ~5 times in around 3-5 minutes after loading autosave, was setting up production for light artillery turrets and/or placing turrets. Sometimes it manages to last to the next autosave.
EvoGUI 0.4.601
calculator-ui 1.1.1
flib 0.12.7
Rampant 3.3.2
RampantArsenal 1.1.6
EditorExtensions 2.1.2
I highly suspect that this it the RC, so probably 1.1.81 going stable should fix my issues.