ssilk wrote: @ AlphaRaptor:
I hope some time into the future we will have an built in auto-download. Then the only thing you need is to make a mod, which requires all the others and overwrites the original config with your changes (*).
I try since summer to bring this problem more on top of the devs priorities and I think it will be implemented much sooner, as they originally planned.
Hope this helps to continue the good work.
(*) The dependency handling and overwriting of configuration is already possible AFAIK.
yeah that auto download would be awesome.
Fx add somekind of linkin to mods, or factorio have a place where mod owners can upload their mod, and then just add said url?
fx as data you can add require, maybe add a option to that? fx
require(type=url, '')
and it would download that file? that should solve all these issues :p + mod owners should not have a single problem with that :p
posted in here instead of the mod where that was posted as it seems to be fitting in here better :p