Blueprints scrolling

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Manual Inserter
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Blueprints scrolling

Post by Henias »

My blueprints scrolling doesn't work properly. When I select the book, and scroll up or down it changes name of the blueprint but not actual blueprint. It is weird, because not all books don't work. Some works fine. It seems that old blueprint books before some updates don't work new one works.
Manual Inserter
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Re: Blueprints scrolling

Post by cactuspunch »

I would like to say that I too am having the problem. Changing the hot key does not work. Swapping keyboards and mice doesn't seem to work, but I can keep trying this. I know that turning Scroll lock on and off does nothing. I know it used to work because I used it when building my rail line. It was very helpful, and I would love to know if anyone has any fixes or work arounds. What is truly odd is that in the blueprint menu, I can see the cursor scrolling to the next blueprint, it just will not select.

EDIT: I managed to figure it out. One needs to hold the blueprint booklet, not an individual blueprint in a booklet. I don't know if I simply misunderstood before or the wiki was vague on this. Probably the former. I hope this helps you.
Last edited by cactuspunch on Sun Mar 26, 2023 6:34 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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