[1.1.70] Wrong status on inserters

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[1.1.70] Wrong status on inserters

Post by PFQNiet »

I was playing Spaceblock and I noticed that inserters reported the wrong status in this case:
Screenshot 2022-10-13 024306.png
Screenshot 2022-10-13 024306.png (2.92 MiB) Viewed 1510 times
Here, the furnace's recipe is "5 iron ore => 6 iron ore" to duplicate the ore. In this example, the machine's input contains 2 ore out of the 5 needed to start a craft, but the output contains 48 ore so there is no room for the output of another craft.

Because of this lack of output space, the inserter is not adding more items to the input, however it is reporting "waiting for source items" rather than something like "destination full".
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Re: [1.1.70] Wrong status on inserters

Post by Loewchen »

Post the save please.
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Re: [1.1.70] Wrong status on inserters

Post by PFQNiet »

I've recreated the issue with only the Spaceblock mod and simplified the test down.
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Re: [1.1.70] Wrong status on inserters

Post by boskid »

I just looked at this and the inserter is correct in saying that its waiting for the source item. It is the furnace's fault because it reports as not being full for inserters because it has no recipe in that point in time so it cannot check being full due to product overload. It can however answer the insert that it cannot insert the iron-ore because the recipe that would consume iron-ore reports a product overload. So the effect is that inserter sees a Furnace that it cannot insert any items but furnace says its not full.

I am considering this to be a minor issue.
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