"Spawn chances by evolution factor" isn't always shown

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Moderator: Bilka

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"Spawn chances by evolution factor" isn't always shown

Post by FP83 »

"Spawn chances by evolution factor" calculator isn't shown on every page load, sometimes I have to reload the page several times to get it displayed.
I originally thought it might be due to AdBlock interference, but after disabling it the problem still persists.
I'm on Chrome on Linux (Ubuntu MATE, if that matters).

No error is produced in the console when the calculator isn't shown.

Code: Select all

<div id="evoChecker"></div>
container element for the calculator is present, but is just empty.

It appears calculator is loaded into container with JS after the page loads, maybe something prevents it from loading?

EDIT to add: I meant "Enemies" page in the wiki:
https://wiki.factorio.com/Enemies#Spawn ... ion_factor

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Re: "Spawn chances by evolution factor" isn't always shown

Post by Bilka »

Hey, thank you for noticing this and letting me know. I believe I've fixed the issue by moving the function that adds the element to a handler that should be called more reliably.
I'm an admin over at https://wiki.factorio.com. Feel free to contact me if there's anything wrong (or right) with it.

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