Placing or deconstructing rail signals is causing massive fps/ups hit in game now

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Placing or deconstructing rail signals is causing massive fps/ups hit in game now

Post by 1WheelDude »

I just started having issues placing rail signals using personal roboports, construction bots, or just by hand or having it deconstructed. It is freezing my game now. Here is a video of it occurring (skip to 30 second mark)

Whats happening now? Even a simple segment of rails not connected to anything is causing this.
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Re: Placing or deconstructing rail signals is causing massive fps/ups hit in game now

Post by Nosferatu »

Similar topic with good explanations:

Short summary: Your train network has LOTS of intersections.
When you place a signal some of your trains are re-calculating their paths
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Re: Placing or deconstructing rail signals is causing massive fps/ups hit in game now

Post by 1WheelDude »

So, I play space exploration and I'm having this issue on surfaces where there are no trains. This train path is trying to path trains where trains don't exist?
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Re: Placing or deconstructing rail signals is causing massive fps/ups hit in game now

Post by mmmPI »

How many trains do you have in total ? ( +/-)
Do you have some of them in "no path" or waiting at a signal ? (%)
Do you have some train traffic jam in one of your planet ? ( something broken ?). ... validation

Path Revalidation 3rd reason => A signal (chain or regular) is created or destroyed (all trains are revalidated).

It seem that you have many trains revalidating their complex path at the same time. I don't think the game knows that placing a signal on a surface doesn't change the possibilities for the other trains, it is the case in your game but it may be different with others mods.

"all trains are revalidated" could be made faster if trains are waiting at trains stations, or a little before instead of being "in a path" such as behind a signal turned red with combinator. That would trigger revalidation on fewer trains.

And if the path were simpler, with less junctions, or maybe using waypoints in some area where it make sense it would make each revalidation take less time.

When you have a train selected, you can see its pathing, the little green or red triangle on the tracks, if there was a meteor to fall on an isolated piece of track somewhere in a densely populated planet, it could block 1 train in a bad spot, which would in turn block many other trains and pile up to create a mess of those path somewhere. If the slowdown is just starting but is heavy, maybe there is such situation that built up since you last built trains, otherwise it may have build up over time as number of trains/junctions increase.
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Re: Placing or deconstructing rail signals is causing massive fps/ups hit in game now

Post by 1WheelDude »

mmmPI wrote: Mon Feb 06, 2023 8:55 pm How many trains do you have in total ? ( +/-)
Do you have some of them in "no path" or waiting at a signal ? (%)
Do you have some train traffic jam in one of your planet ? ( something broken ?). ... validation

Path Revalidation 3rd reason => A signal (chain or regular) is created or destroyed (all trains are revalidated).

It seem that you have many trains revalidating their complex path at the same time. I don't think the game knows that placing a signal on a surface doesn't change the possibilities for the other trains, it is the case in your game but it may be different with others mods.

"all trains are revalidated" could be made faster if trains are waiting at trains stations, or a little before instead of being "in a path" such as behind a signal turned red with combinator. That would trigger revalidation on fewer trains.

And if the path were simpler, with less junctions, or maybe using waypoints in some area where it make sense it would make each revalidation take less time.

When you have a train selected, you can see its pathing, the little green or red triangle on the tracks, if there was a meteor to fall on an isolated piece of track somewhere in a densely populated planet, it could block 1 train in a bad spot, which would in turn block many other trains and pile up to create a mess of those path somewhere. If the slowdown is just starting but is heavy, maybe there is such situation that built up since you last built trains, otherwise it may have build up over time as number of trains/junctions increase.
I have 362 trains across my surfaces. Out of all of these, not sure how I can accurately report how many are currently waiting at a rail signal, there's so many moving around at a given time. I do not have any "no path" trains. I use LTN, so all my trains sit idle in a depot. I have maybe 5 non-LTN trains that are waiting for a destination. As of now, no jams on my planets. I do get them occasionally but I address them quickly.
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Re: Placing or deconstructing rail signals is causing massive fps/ups hit in game now

Post by 1WheelDude »

The problem seems to have resolved longer having the issue. Good for me
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