Ubuntu, Steam, crash on start, no log file

Anything that prevents you from playing the game properly. Do you have issues playing for the game, downloading it or successfully running it on your computer? Let us know here.
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Ubuntu, Steam, crash on start, no log file

Post by Stumblefeet »


I recently rebuildt my Ubuntu machine and tried installing and running the Steam version of Factorio.

I get this message after the "installing Vulkan Shaders" or similar process has finished.

"Unexpected error occurred. If you're running the latest version of the game you can help us solve the problem by posting the contents of the log file on the Factorio forums.
Please also include the save file(s), any mods you may be using, and any steps you know of to reproduce the crash."

Subsequent tries to start the game gives the same error message.

There are no log files in the ~/snap/steam/common/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/common/Factorio folder or any of its subfolders. There aren't any files there with an updated time later than the install time.

Browsing the steam log files only tells me that the processes exit with an error code -1. Everything else seems fine from Steam's point of view.

Below is a dump of the tail of the steam log files that were written to at the last attempt to run the game. I've anonymized my personal info with ******

Code: Select all

**********@*****:~/snap/steam/common/.local/share/Steam/logs$ ll -rt
total 948
-rwxrwxr-x  1 ********** sg-hi-4300-digital-utvikling    120 Jan 24 21:46 timedtrial_log.txt*
-rwxrwxr-x  1 ********** sg-hi-4300-digital-utvikling  12632 Jan 30 10:02 cef_log.previous.txt*
drwxrwxr-x  2 ********** sg-hi-4300-digital-utvikling   4096 Jan 30 10:02 ./
-rwxrwxr-x  1 ********** sg-hi-4300-digital-utvikling    828 Jan 30 10:02 systemperfmanager.txt*
-rwxrwxr-x  1 ********** sg-hi-4300-digital-utvikling    272 Jan 30 10:02 systemdockmanager.txt*
-rwxrwxr-x  1 ********** sg-hi-4300-digital-utvikling    644 Jan 30 10:02 systemdisplaymanager.txt*
-rwxrwxr-x  1 ********** sg-hi-4300-digital-utvikling    276 Jan 30 10:02 systemaudiomanager.txt*
-rwxrwxr-x  1 ********** sg-hi-4300-digital-utvikling    256 Jan 30 10:02 steamui_update.txt*
-rwxrwxr-x  1 ********** sg-hi-4300-digital-utvikling    296 Jan 30 10:02 client_networkmanager.txt*
-rwxrwxr-x  1 ********** sg-hi-4300-digital-utvikling    585 Jan 30 10:02 remote_connections.txt*
-rwxrwxr-x  1 ********** sg-hi-4300-digital-utvikling   1076 Jan 30 10:02 parental_log.txt*
-rwxrwxr-x  1 ********** sg-hi-4300-digital-utvikling 106872 Jan 30 10:02 connection_log.txt*
-rwxrwxr-x  1 ********** sg-hi-4300-digital-utvikling    534 Jan 30 10:03 controller.txt*
-rwxrwxr-x  1 ********** sg-hi-4300-digital-utvikling 111398 Jan 30 10:04 bootstrap_log.txt*
-rwxrwxr-x  1 ********** sg-hi-4300-digital-utvikling   7389 Jan 30 10:04 systemmanager.txt*
-rwxrwxr-x  1 ********** sg-hi-4300-digital-utvikling   5668 Jan 30 10:22 steamui_system.txt*
-rwxrwxr-x  1 ********** sg-hi-4300-digital-utvikling  30633 Jan 30 10:28 webhelper.txt*
-rw-rw-r--  1 ********** sg-hi-4300-digital-utvikling   3985 Jan 30 10:28 steamwebhelper.log
-rw-rw-r--  1 ********** sg-hi-4300-digital-utvikling   2057 Jan 30 10:28 cef_log.txt
-rwxrwxr-x  1 ********** sg-hi-4300-digital-utvikling    604 Jan 30 10:31 workshop_log.txt*
-rwxrwxr-x  1 ********** sg-hi-4300-digital-utvikling    154 Jan 30 10:31 sitelicense_log.txt*
-rwxrwxr-x  1 ********** sg-hi-4300-digital-utvikling   5586 Jan 30 10:33 appinfo_log.txt*
-rwxrwxr-x  1 ********** sg-hi-4300-digital-utvikling   8252 Jan 30 10:41 compat_log.txt*
-rwxrwxr-x  1 ********** sg-hi-4300-digital-utvikling   2788 Jan 30 10:41 controller_ui.txt*
-rwxrwxr-x  1 ********** sg-hi-4300-digital-utvikling   4520 Jan 30 10:41 stats_log.txt*
-rwxrwxr-x  1 ********** sg-hi-4300-digital-utvikling  37273 Jan 30 10:41 content_log.txt*
-rwxrwxr-x  1 ********** sg-hi-4300-digital-utvikling  53274 Jan 30 10:41 shader_log.txt*
-rwxrwxr-x  1 ********** sg-hi-4300-digital-utvikling 424623 Jan 30 10:41 cloud_log.txt*
-rwxrwxr-x  1 ********** sg-hi-4300-digital-utvikling  26337 Jan 30 10:41 configstore_log.txt*
drwx------ 26 ********** sg-hi-4300-digital-utvikling   4096 Jan 30 10:41 ../
**********@*****:~/snap/steam/common/.local/share/Steam/logs$ tail workshop_log.txt

[2023-01-24 20:58:33] Loading workshop items for 0 installed apps for user [U:1:95044073]:

[2023-01-30 08:13:41] Loading workshop items for 0 installed apps for user [U:1:95044073]:
[2023-01-30 08:18:24] [AppID 427520] Loaded workshop items in "/home/**********/snap/steam/common/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/workshop" (0 installed, 0 needed)

[2023-01-30 10:02:34] Loading workshop items for 1 installed apps for user [U:1:95044073]:
[2023-01-30 10:31:15] [AppID 427520] Loaded workshop items in "/home/**********/snap/steam/common/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/workshop" (0 installed, 0 needed)
**********@*****:~/snap/steam/common/.local/share/Steam/logs$ tail appinfo_log.txt
[2023-01-30 10:04:43] UpdatesJob: finished OK, apps updated 0 (0 KB), packages updated 0 (0 KB)
[2023-01-30 10:19:01] Packages changed: 
[2023-01-30 10:19:01] Apps changed: 
[2023-01-30 10:19:01] Change number 17554684->17554836, apps: 0/124, packages: 0/7
[2023-01-30 10:31:12] RequestAppInfoUpdate: AppIDs 427520
[2023-01-30 10:31:12] Requesting 1 apps, 0 packages (meta data, 0 prev attempts)
[2023-01-30 10:31:13] UpdatesJob: finished OK, apps updated 0 (0 KB), packages updated 0 (0 KB)
[2023-01-30 10:33:50] Packages changed: 
[2023-01-30 10:33:50] Apps changed: 
[2023-01-30 10:33:50] Change number 17554836->17554947, apps: 0/86, packages: 0/8
**********@*****:~/snap/steam/common/.local/share/Steam/logs$ tail compat_log.txt
[2023-01-30 10:22:38] StartSession: session 623d1de0e89de8d4
[2023-01-30 10:23:15] StartSession: session 8f6cae9f7f3b92fd
[2023-01-30 10:23:38] StartSession: session 9d920d5f5ffe06e0
[2023-01-30 10:24:20] StartSession: session f0844461d2dacb33
[2023-01-30 10:26:07] StartSession: session ae9dc3b19f43fc8d
[2023-01-30 10:26:36] StartSession: session bd79862a29744b6a
[2023-01-30 10:27:13] StartSession: session fc5a6d4aefaa5ed3
[2023-01-30 10:28:07] StartSession: session b988ad5787b044ac
[2023-01-30 10:33:43] StartSession: session e2b3ba19e460d97b
[2023-01-30 10:41:40] StartSession: session 2044576b9912f6b0
**********@*****:~/snap/steam/common/.local/share/Steam/logs$ tail controller_ui.txt
[2023-01-30 10:32:17] Warming Config Cache 427520

[2023-01-30 10:33:43] Warming Config Cache 427520

[2023-01-30 10:34:20] Warming Config Cache 427520

[2023-01-30 10:41:41] Warming Config Cache 427520

[2023-01-30 10:41:41] Warming Config Cache 427520

**********@*****:~/snap/steam/common/.local/share/Steam/logs$ tail stats_log.txt
[2023-01-30 10:26:40] [AppID 427520] CAPIJobStoreUserStats::BInit() - no upload needed
[2023-01-30 10:27:13] [AppID 427520] CAPIJobRequestUserStats - no stats data in server response, we must be up to date
[2023-01-30 10:27:51] [AppID 427520] CAPIJobStoreUserStats::BInit() - no upload needed
[2023-01-30 10:28:09] [AppID 427520] CAPIJobRequestUserStats - no stats data in server response, we must be up to date
[2023-01-30 10:28:14] [AppID 427520] CAPIJobStoreUserStats::BInit() - no upload needed
[2023-01-30 10:28:48] [AppID 427520] CAPIJobRequestUserStats - no stats data in server response, we must be up to date
[2023-01-30 10:34:21] [AppID 427520] CAPIJobRequestUserStats - no stats data in server response, we must be up to date
[2023-01-30 10:34:24] [AppID 427520] CAPIJobStoreUserStats::BInit() - no upload needed
[2023-01-30 10:41:41] [AppID 427520] CAPIJobRequestUserStats - no stats data in server response, we must be up to date
[2023-01-30 10:41:42] [AppID 427520] CAPIJobStoreUserStats::BInit() - no upload needed
**********@*****:~/snap/steam/common/.local/share/Steam/logs$ tail content_log.txt
[2023-01-30 10:34:24] Game 427520 no longer tracking PID 7365, exit code 0
[2023-01-30 10:34:24] AppID 427520 state changed : Fully Installed,
[2023-01-30 10:41:41] Game 427520 adding PID 8921 as a tracked process "/home/**********/snap/steam/common/.local/share/Steam/ubuntu12_32/reaper SteamLaunch AppId=427520 -- /home/**********/snap/steam/common/.local/share/Steam/ubuntu12_32/steam-launch-wrapper -- '/home/**********/snap/steam/common/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/common/Factorio/bin/x64/factorio'"
[2023-01-30 10:41:41] AppID 427520 state changed : Fully Installed,App Running,
[2023-01-30 10:41:41] Game 427520 adding PID 8922 as a tracked process
[2023-01-30 10:41:41] Game 427520 adding PID 8923 as a tracked process
[2023-01-30 10:41:42] Game 427520 no longer tracking PID 8923, exit code -1
[2023-01-30 10:41:42] Game 427520 no longer tracking PID 8922, exit code -1
[2023-01-30 10:41:42] Game 427520 no longer tracking PID 8921, exit code 0
[2023-01-30 10:41:42] AppID 427520 state changed : Fully Installed,
**********@*****:~/snap/steam/common/.local/share/Steam/logs$ tail shader_log.txt
[2023-01-30 10:41:41] Setting MESA_GLSL_CACHE_DIR=/home/**********/snap/steam/common/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/shadercache/427520 MESA_DISK_CACHE_READ_ONLY_FOZ_DBS=steam_cache,steam_precompiled
[2023-01-30 10:41:42] AppID 427520 exited.
[2023-01-30 10:41:42] Finding Mesa SF caches, base directory: /home/**********/snap/steam/common/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/shadercache/427520.
[2023-01-30 10:41:42] Processing FOZ cache file at /home/**********/snap/steam/common/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/shadercache/427520/mesa_shader_cache_sf/b0d42ed89d1c594d75a3b7cd426f415710207fd7/anv_5917/foz_cache.foz
[2023-01-30 10:41:43] Processing FOZ cache file at /home/**********/snap/steam/common/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/shadercache/427520/mesa_shader_cache_sf/d6dbee23b360510ae05f0f53b8edeafd/AMD RADV POLARIS12/foz_cache.foz
[2023-01-30 10:41:43] FOZ underflow, file truncated?
[2023-01-30 10:41:43] Crawling complete, found 2 different buckets:
[2023-01-30 10:41:43] Reading 13035 hit entries from cache file /home/**********/snap/steam/common/.local/share/Steam/userdata/95044073/config/shaderhitcache/anv_5917/b0d42ed89d1c594d75a3b7cd426f415710207fd7/427520.
[2023-01-30 10:41:43] anv_5917 / L7:b0d42ed89d1c594d75a3b7cd426f415710207fd7: 8744 shaders.
[2023-01-30 10:41:43] AMD RADV POLARIS12 / L7:d6dbee23b360510ae05f0f53b8edeafd: 0 shaders.
**********@*****:~/snap/steam/common/.local/share/Steam/logs$ tail cloud_log.txt
[2023-01-30 10:41:42] [AppID 427520]     Persisting file /home/**********/snap/steam/common/.factorio/saves/_autosave1.zip to the cloud
[2023-01-30 10:41:42] [AppID 427520]	Skipping un-modified file Factorio/saves/_autosave1.zip
[2023-01-30 10:41:42] [AppID 427520]     Persisting file /home/**********/snap/steam/common/.factorio/saves/_autosave2.zip to the cloud
[2023-01-30 10:41:42] [AppID 427520]	Skipping un-modified file Factorio/saves/_autosave2.zip
[2023-01-30 10:41:42] [AppID 427520]     Persisting file /home/**********/snap/steam/common/.factorio/saves/ab 2023 - meh.zip to the cloud
[2023-01-30 10:41:42] [AppID 427520]	Skipping un-modified file Factorio/saves/ab 2023 - meh.zip
[2023-01-30 10:41:42] [AppID 427520] AutoCloud complete
[2023-01-30 10:41:43] [AppID 427520] Currently already synced to global change number '14075228050176334993', should be nothing to download
[2023-01-30 10:41:43] [AppID 427520] Upload complete in build list
[2023-01-30 10:41:43] [AppID 427520] YldWriteCacheDirectoryToFile - saved to '/home/**********/snap/steam/common/.local/share/Steam/userdata/95044073/427520/remotecache.vdf'
**********@*****:~/snap/steam/common/.local/share/Steam/logs$ tail configstore_log.txt
[2023-01-30 10:32:20] Flushed store 'install' to '/home/**********/snap/steam/common/.local/share/Steam/config/config.vdf'
[2023-01-30 10:33:44] Flushed store 'userlocal' to '/home/**********/snap/steam/common/.local/share/Steam/userdata/95044073/config/localconfig.vdf'
[2023-01-30 10:33:51] Flushed store 'userlocal' to '/home/**********/snap/steam/common/.local/share/Steam/userdata/95044073/config/localconfig.vdf'
[2023-01-30 10:34:21] Flushed store 'userlocal' to '/home/**********/snap/steam/common/.local/share/Steam/userdata/95044073/config/localconfig.vdf'
[2023-01-30 10:34:21] Flushed store 'install' to '/home/**********/snap/steam/common/.local/share/Steam/config/config.vdf'
[2023-01-30 10:34:25] Flushed store 'userlocal' to '/home/**********/snap/steam/common/.local/share/Steam/userdata/95044073/config/localconfig.vdf'
[2023-01-30 10:34:26] Flushed store 'userlocal' to '/home/**********/snap/steam/common/.local/share/Steam/userdata/95044073/config/localconfig.vdf'
[2023-01-30 10:34:28] Flushed store 'install' to '/home/**********/snap/steam/common/.local/share/Steam/config/config.vdf'
[2023-01-30 10:41:41] Flushed store 'userlocal' to '/home/**********/snap/steam/common/.local/share/Steam/userdata/95044073/config/localconfig.vdf'
[2023-01-30 10:41:43] Flushed store 'userlocal' to '/home/**********/snap/steam/common/.local/share/Steam/userdata/95044073/config/localconfig.vdf'
I'm at the end of the road here.

Any suggestions on where to go next?
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Re: Ubuntu, Steam, crash on start, no log file

Post by posila »

Hello, the logs should be in ~/.factorio/
Manual Inserter
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Re: Ubuntu, Steam, crash on start, no log file

Post by Stumblefeet »

Code: Select all

cd ~/.factorio/
bash: cd: /home/********/.factorio/: No such file or directory
Manual Inserter
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Re: Ubuntu, Steam, crash on start, no log file

Post by Stumblefeet »

I found it in snap

Code: Select all

, but it's empty save for the save files directory.

No logs.
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Re: Ubuntu, Steam, crash on start, no log file

Post by Tooster »

You can

Code: Select all

locate /.factorio
and investigate all of those locations first
Look mom, I made a mod ^^ Barrel Stages
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Re: Ubuntu, Steam, crash on start, no log file

Post by cbhj1 »

I'd start by asking how Factorio and possibly Steam were installed, then verifying the files with Steam.
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Re: Ubuntu, Steam, crash on start, no log file

Post by posila »

Stumblefeet wrote: Mon Jan 30, 2023 1:03 pm I found it in snap

Code: Select all

, but it's empty save for the save files directory.

No logs.
Hmm, interesting. What is "snap" folder?
If you execute factorio binary from terminal, it'll print out the log into there (I think). But Steam will want to relaunch it under the client. To prevent it from doing that you would need to create file steam_appid.txt next to the factorio binary (in Factorio/bin/x64/ folder) with Factorio's Steam App ID in it: 427520
Or you could try to download a demo from factorio.com and see if that also crashes and what it outputs to the terminal when it does.
Manual Inserter
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Re: Ubuntu, Steam, crash on start, no log file

Post by Stumblefeet »

I downloaded Factorio from the web site.

It seems to be working fine.

I think I'll drop the Steam trouble shooting and use this solution in stead.

We can consider the issue closed unless you wish to dig further into the problem.

Thanks for the help.
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Re: Ubuntu, Steam, crash on start, no log file

Post by Bilka »

posila wrote: Tue Jan 31, 2023 1:24 pm Hmm, interesting. What is "snap" folder?
Snap is a way to distribute applications on linux, mostly used by ubuntu. It isolates things somewhat, I think https://ubuntu.com/blog/a-guide-to-snap ... interfaces gives a good overview. So I would guess that this may be some kind of permission issue.
I'm an admin over at https://wiki.factorio.com. Feel free to contact me if there's anything wrong (or right) with it.
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Re: Ubuntu, Steam, crash on start, no log file

Post by Phiro »

I'm having a similar issue - I reinstalled Steam as a snap since they were asking for testers (I'm on 22.10), which forced me to reinstall everything, since the steam folder is relocated. When I tried to actually launch Factorio, I got the following error after vulkan shaders:

Code: Select all

Couldn't create lock file /home/phiro/.factorio/.lock: Permission denied.
My whole home dir is owned by phiro:phiro, recursively.

When I moved ~/.factorio to ~/.factorio_backup and relaunched, the error changed to:

Code: Select all

"filesystem error: cannot create directory: Permission denied [/home/phiro/.factorio]
path1: /home/phiro/.factorio
With the popup sitting there, I checked to see what account the factorio binary was running as,

Code: Select all

$ ps faux | grep factorio
shows it running as me, phiro.

The full line from ps faux shows it is launched by steam's reaper from steam's snap structure, so I'm guessing it's not precisely a rights permission issue, but that factorio, launched via a snap, can't write outside of its sandbox/boundaries? (I apologize, I am not up on snap architecture as I should be)

How can I tell factorio where to put its .factorio folder? If I can do that, I can probably figure out where it goes and report back.
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Re: Ubuntu, Steam, crash on start, no log file

Post by posila »

Phiro wrote: Fri Apr 14, 2023 1:03 amHow can I tell factorio where to put its .factorio folder? If I can do that, I can probably figure out where it goes and report back.
You can pass it --config parameter (in Steam you can set launch parameters in Factorio properties) with path to config.ini in which you can set write-data path to your desired path.
(263 Bytes) Downloaded 173 times
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Re: Ubuntu, Steam, crash on start, no log file

Post by Phiro »

Thanks, this was super helpful. I ended up doing two things, not sure it was all needed. I'm sure this could be cleaned up but I don't have the desire to do real tests here, so I apologize in advance for any errors or logical mistakes I may be making.

I did two things:
1) I put the config.ini in my Steam Factorio's root folder (in my case, and other than username this will probably be standard for most ubuntu users + the steam snap install: /home/phiro/snap/steam/common/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/common/Factorio/) and after some trial and error, the launcher option just needed to be "-c config.ini", the relative location of the folder from the launcher's perspective is the root ./Factorio folder, not ./Factorio/bin/x64/, which is what the factorio binary normally assumes. That inconsistency I would address, but whatever.
here's what I had to change the config.ini to:

Code: Select all

2) I found a "config-path.cfg" file in the root of ./Factorio from some dude named kovarex, and I had to set

Code: Select all


Code: Select all

There's a paragraph of text in the file from the dude explaining why it should be false.

Once I did that, Factorio launches fine, and the factorio-current.log (which now shows up in ./Factorio) no longer has any complaints.

Well, except one. The first time you run Factorio on a clean system, it generates the player-data.json file. Every subsequent time you run Factorio, when you exit, it tries to re-chown the file to the user running Factorio, except chown'ing isn't something allowed by WriteFileGuard. It's moot (for me) because it's still owned by phiro:phiro, but it tries anyways, every time. e.g.:

Code: Select all

6.410 Quitting: user-quit.
6.421 Warning WriteFileGuard.cpp:96: Couldn't chown /home/phiro/snap/steam/common/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/common/Factorio/player-data.tmp.json: Operation not permitted
6.508 Steam API shutdown.
6.510 Goodbye
edit: I'll have a chance in about ~10 days to redo all this from scratch, I am going to reload my pc from a usb stick when 23.04 comes out. Super excited for it. If you haven't tried Ubuntu desktop in awhile, I highly, highly recommend it (this thread notwithstanding). 23.04 - Lunar Lobster - looks like the best desktop roll yet!
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