I wrote some not good code that adds new resource to vanilla rocks (but works only to huge), but I disunderstanding how make it works with modded rocks, i.e call all entities by part of name like "rock-huge-*". I was found only variants like "rock-huge%-", and google can't reply to my question, my google searches bad too lol.
Code: Select all
function PLORD_addresult(t, name, result)
if data.raw[t][name].minable.results then
table.insert(data.raw[t][name].minable.results, result) end end
PLORD_addresult("simple-entity", "rock-big", {name="PLORD_resin_ore", amount_min=0, amount_max=1})
PLORD_addresult("simple-entity", "rock-huge", {name="PLORD_resin_ore", amount_min=0, amount_max=5})