Console page, set destructible = false

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Moderator: Bilka

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Joined: Sat Dec 14, 2019 3:26 am

Console page, set destructible = false

Post by -DeadlyKitten »

I was looking around for info and found

In particular there is the useful line of code

Code: Select all

/c game.player.selected.destructible = false
I suggest adding this to the list of console commands (
I think this is helpful as both an example of using selected to target a particular entity (this is not easy otherwise),
and as an easy way to make something indestructible (there is currently no easy way to do this with out mods).

I suggest including it in the 'Basic example scripts' section (section 5)
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Re: Console page, set destructible = false

Post by Bilka »

The easy way to make something indestructible is the map editor, it's an option when you open an entity's gui while in the map editor.

But I added the command anyway, plenty of commands can be done using the map editor, so it's not a strong argument against adding it to the page.

I find the "selected" mechanic not very basic, so I did not add it to the basic commands.
I'm an admin over at Feel free to contact me if there's anything wrong (or right) with it.
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