Transfer data between games

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Transfer data between games

Post by Theis »

Is it possible for a mod to store some data in game A, and then for the mod to load that data in game B?

For instance, you have a time trial mod. Where the goal is produce the most iron-plates in 30 minutes.
So to compare, you would first run the time trial and produce 1020 iron-plates.
Then next time you try you produce 1312 iron-plates.
Is there anyway for the mod to compare those two values and print the information of how much you have improved?

I can see it is possible:
- to read information from, but it does not appear possible to write data there.
- to write data to script-output, but I can't find any methods reading it.

I understand that this might be impossible, but I would like to be sure.

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Re: Transfer data between games

Post by Xorimuth »

It is possible with the use of an external program running outside of factorio at the same time. Data out is done by write_file which you already found. Data in must be done using RCON:
This page doesn’t seem to explain very much and I can’t find the page that does right now. But it is definitely possible for mods to receive RCON messages from external programs.
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Re: Transfer data between games

Post by Theis »

Okay that sounds cumbersome to say the least, but I guess it is better than nothing.
I have absolutely zero experience with RCON, so let me try to wrap my head around it.

I would then need to setup an RCON client (maybe
I would then need to launch Factorio in RCON server mode, and connect the client and the server.
Then I have a path to send messages out of Factorio and console commands into Factorio.
Then I just need to use the messages outside factorio to write ....

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Re: Transfer data between games

Post by Bilka »

You can write to your own mod settings: ... n_settings. However, this is only useful for transfer of data between saves if the player has the setting "Use different mod settings per save" turned off.
I'm an admin over at Feel free to contact me if there's anything wrong (or right) with it.

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