Cannot Enter Any Vehicle After Biters Blew Up Car

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Cannot Enter Any Vehicle After Biters Blew Up Car

Post by LeeWhite187 »

I am no longer able to enter vehicles of any type in my save game (it's attached).
I'm running Factorio v1.72.

What happened:
My car was blown up, by biters, while clearing out a biter nest (not the first time this has happened to me).
After my car was destroyed, I am no longer able to enter any vehicles in the game, trains, cars, etc.
Nor, does the game show the typical entry prompt near a vehicle.

Before anyone goes off on controls, I know this is NOT a key binding issue, as I can open a different saved game, and enter vehicles just fine.
And when I return back to the save game (where the biters blew up my car), and I still cannot enter vehicles.

As well. I've already tried killing myself (death by train), to see if that would reset my player's state.
But, that did not solve the problem, as I am still unable to enter any vehicles.

I've never encountered this bug before... as I've gained the habit of always carrying a spare car and fuel for just the occasion (when clearing nests).

What's Wrong:
I've searched the forums and the googles, for any reference of others having this problem.
The only things that come up are forum entries, describing how to setup and test key bindings, which is not the problem I'm having.

Is there a flag or a bit that I can change in my save game file, to reset my player's vehicle state?
Or, is this a legitimate bug in the Factorio runtime?
It seems like a new problem, or a rare edge-case... since I've had my car blown up, by biters, in older Factorio versions, and never had this problem before.


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Re: Cannot Enter Any Vehicle After Biters Blew Up Car

Post by Genhis »

Hello, this seems to be a bug in one of your mods and not a Factorio bug. The mod disabled your driving permission. Type "/permissions" in chat and remove yourself from "driving-lock" group.
Manual Inserter
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Re: Cannot Enter Any Vehicle After Biters Blew Up Car

Post by LeeWhite187 »

Thank you. That worked perfectly! It even popped up a nice UI for me, to do the group membership change.
I was worried I'd have to start a new game, and lose all the progress we've made.

Thanks again. I appreciate it.
Have a great weekened!
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