Step1: Place rail curve
Step2: Add Inserter in position shown. This has a clear tile away from the tracks, and it's near the bottom of the curve (other spots didn't have this when I tried)
Step3: Give the inserter something to grab, and you'll notice it's "waiting for train"
Step4: Add belt for cosmetics, it makes it clear the inserter should be working
However if I move step 4 to be step 2, aka:
Step1: Place rail curve
Step4: Add belt
Step2: Add Inserter in position shown.
Step3: Give the inserter something to grab, and you'll notice it's "waiting for train"
Then the issue does not appear. It only happens if you place the inserter first.
If I place a cargo train on the track the inserter does not insert into it, because it's too far from the track.