What's up with "character-additional-mining-categories" as a technology effect.
This site doesn't list it as valid for "type" property, but it's mentioned further down.
https://lua-api.factorio.com/latest/Con ... gyModifier
This site lists it as valid.
Using it in a mod leads to an error during load.
Unknown modifier type "character-additional-mining-categories"
Can you please either remove all mentions of this from the documentation or make it work.
In case you don't want to support this, I believe the proper way is to listen to on_research_finished events and change the character's character_additional_mining_categories property manually, right?
TechnologyModifier character-additional-mining-categories not working
Re: TechnologyModifier character-additional-mining-categories not working
This is not a bug. Modifier "character-additional-mining-categories" is not listed as a valid type for the prototype stage (the wiki docs). I am moving this topic to Modding interface requests.
Currently the only way to change the value is at runtime using LuaControl::character_additional_mining_categories.
Currently the only way to change the value is at runtime using LuaControl::character_additional_mining_categories.