Abilities to use biters to gain resources, like electricity, or meat. and have an incentive to not murder every base on sight. Which in turn also means a need to constantly maintain defensesWhat ?
New features to procure materials from bitersPossible new uses for biters could be:
- Biter meat. Which isn't that needed for the player, but could still serve interesting purposes. Like conversion to fertilizer maybe.
- Biter... Milk
Whilst disgusting could be an interesting, use for generating electricity, imagine they're basically like battery acid. Or as an alternative to lubricant
- Biter blood. Could be same use as milk suggestion
A way to do that could be like this:
- Step 1, lure the biters after you
- Step 2, get the biters trapped, and start pumping them with sleeping gas
- Step 3, milk or slaughter them on a specific procurement platform to gain resources.
If biter milk should be turned into electricity that would also need a new contraption.
Why ?
Why all this talk about biter milk. (sorry about that btw)Having biters serve a purpose more than just canon fodder, would mean more ways to get certain resources, like electricity for example, which there is only 3 methods of generating now.
And at the same time, would mean an incentive to not destroy all biter bases on site,
which in turn would mean to maintain defenses more strongly as well.