Train collides with offshore pump

Bugs that are actually features.
Burner Inserter
Burner Inserter
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Train collides with offshore pump

Post by z498279401 »

When the train turns a corner, it sometimes damages the water supply pump beside the railway
The water supply pump has been replaced for 30 times in these two locations before I found out. I personally drove the train to test, and successfully crashed it once. There was no collision behind it. I don't know why.
Snipaste_2022-09-23_01-29-10.png (2.05 MiB) Viewed 1308 times
Blueprint of water supply pump.txt
(45.65 KiB) Downloaded 63 times
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Re: Train collides with offshore pump

Post by Tobias1595 »

I could not reproduce the issue in vanilla gameplay. From your screenshot I can tell that your game is modded, including changes to the pump you are highlighting. As the problem seems to stem from the changes introduced by mods, you have to talk to the mod creators about fixing it.
Smart Inserter
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Re: Train collides with offshore pump

Post by mrvn »

First: Why is your pump on land? If you hadn't filled in the land below the pump then your rails would not haven been able to be placed like that.

I think the problem here is that the collision mask of trains are rectangles and in a curve that means the outer edges reach beyond the shape of the curved rail. So even if the collision mask of the curved rail and offshore pump are not colliding the collision box of the train does.

I've seen it far worse with the Cargo Ship mod. Those ships are big so the difference between waterways and the collision box of the ship is even more pronounced. I've actually died standing a few tiles away on land because a ship swiped me coming around a corner.
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