Do Factorio devs support transphobia?

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Do Factorio devs support transphobia?

Post by bospekalte »

Seeing that this blog post links to a known transphobe, and it wasn't remove after over a year, I wonder if devs share that outlook. I've really liked the game, but it makes me sad that devs would use their platform to promote such bigoted ideas.

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Re: Do Factorio devs support transphobia?

Post by FuryoftheStars »

So, because they happened to link to some information articles on a topic not related to transphobia, but were created by a transphobic, and then they didn't revoke this link, you think that means they support the transphobic's ideology?

I feel like you have your logic trains crossed, there.
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Re: Do Factorio devs support transphobia?

Post by Koub »

[Koub] Off topic, this kind of discussion has nothing to do with Factorio. Also I will not tolerate any intrusion of the plague that is cancel culture on a forum under my responsability.
Locking this tread.
Koub - Please consider English is not my native language.


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