This will use your vanilla achievement progress, so you may see stats change when you first enable it, as progress made on modded saves without this tool are separate (achievements-modded.dat).
To install, place version.dll in the same folder as your Factorio.exe. By default this would be Factorio\bin\x64\ .
Steam users need an additional step:
In Steam, add
Code: Select all
cmd /c start "" %command%

Windows, Factorio. Another author has made a GNU/Linux version here.
If things aren't working as expected, run Factorio.exe from a command line with the following syntax: factorio.exe > %USERPROFILE%\Desktop\out.txt . The log file you get should detail if the patches were applied. If they weren't, please open an issue on Github or post here and I'll do my best to get things updated.
Wube, for being awesome and providing the debug symbols with the game.