thanks, I'll make a note of them.Qatavin wrote: Sun Nov 07, 2021 2:30 am The description of Chemical Processing techs says "Research into to use and production of chemicals." Should probably be "into the use".
The description of the "Productivity limitations" setting in your Modules mod says "effect" when it should be "affect".
The description of the "Cheaper Steel" setting in MCI "If enabled, Steel will cost 2 iron plates in stead of 5". It only costs 1 iron plate now. Also, that should be "instead".
The items "exoskeleton equipment MK2" and MK3 don't have their first words capitalized.
At some point the horizontal_window_bounding_box and vertical_window_bounding_box on pipes changed in the base game. I don't think I've noticed anything wrong with the horizontal windows (the change is just a single pixel), but the vertical ones definitely look a little off in the top right corner. The new bounds are:
horizontal_window_bounding_box = {{-0.25, -0.28125},{0.25, 0.15625}},
vertical_window_bounding_box = {{-0.28125, -0.5},{0.03125, 0.125}},
Are you sure it should say Affect? I mean, when I look at it, I'll know, because I'm fairly sure I wrote that before I learned the difference. Affect is synonymous with cause. For example, if you drop a marble in a cup, the marble is the affect, and the ripples on the water are the effect. The Marble Affects the water, by causing a ripple effect. But then you can also say... The Effect of the marble on the water is to cause Ripples.
As for the Iron cost... The cost of the new steel process is cheaper, so it only costs one if new steel is enabled, but still costs 2 if it's disabled. But could probably do with an update.