remotes + "active-defense-equipment"s completely disregard target parameters

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remotes + "active-defense-equipment"s completely disregard target parameters

Post by Honktown »

Modding related, there is annoying (imo broken) behavior with remotes and equipments. *everything* about the target behavior (the equipment's ammo_type) is somehow ignored, but also not "unused". equipments only are usable when enemies are nearby (remote behavior is never taken from equipment?).

Trying different things:

Code: Select all

local discharge = data.raw["active-defense-equipment"]["discharge-defense-equipment"]
local ap = discharge.attack_parameters
ap.ammo_type.target_type = "position"
ap.ammo_type.clamp_position = true
local one = ap.ammo_type.action[1]
one.trigger_from_target = true
one.force = "same"
Result: position does nothing, clamp position does nothing, force condition doesn't alter when the remote is usable.

What I'd expect: Anything to work.
I have mods! I guess!
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Re: remotes + "active-defense-equipment"s completely disregard target parameters

Post by Rseding91 »

Thanks for the report. Looking at the active defense equipment code this seems to be intentional. They were coded to function as base game uses them and nothing else was programmed in. I'm going to move this to modding interface requests since it seems like it would still be useful to implement but it will need more dev time and tests created.
If you want to get ahold of me I'm almost always on Discord.
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