Add empty autoplace to out-of-map tiles

Things that we aren't going to implement
Smart Inserter
Smart Inserter
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Add empty autoplace to out-of-map tiles

Post by Honktown »

A small annoyance is out-of-map tiles cannot be used to make an empty map. The alternative is overwriting the tiles on every chunk generation.

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data.raw.tile["out-of-map"].autoplace = { default_enabled = false }
is sufficient to have out-of-map tiles be autoplaced, but not interfere with anything else.

These are a small map_gen_settings to create an empty map. Only possible if out-of-map can be autoplaced.

Code: Select all

	local my_map_gen_settings = {
		default_enable_all_autoplace_controls = false,
		property_expression_names = {cliffiness = 0},
		autoplace_settings = {tile = {settings = { ["out-of-map"] = {frequency="normal", size="normal", richness="normal"} }}},
		starting_area = "none"
The request is specifically to add

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autoplace = { default_enabled = false }
on the prototype so mods don't have to modify the data stage for an empty map, or write every single tile after the default chunkgen took it's time to make the tiles.
I have mods! I guess!
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Re: Add empty autoplace to out-of-map tiles

Post by Rseding91 »

This is what data stage is for and why mods are a thing. So, no.
If you want to get ahold of me I'm almost always on Discord.
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