[boskid][1.1.59] Crash saving: "Error Pump.cpp:160: Trying to save in a state that would result in save/load instability

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[boskid][1.1.59] Crash saving: "Error Pump.cpp:160: Trying to save in a state that would result in save/load instability

Post by Saienai »

Crash occurs during saving (quicksave or regular) when the following steps are reproduced:
  1. Install the mods (Fluid must flow, FLib, PickerDollies). The actual mods are included in the attached zip just in case.
  2. Start a new map editor scenario (clear all entities, convert to lab tiles for simplicity, ensure time is paused)
  3. Place a duct intake pointing left
  4. Place a duct exhaust 1 tile away from the duct intake pointing right (the two are pointing towards each other with a 1 tile gap between them - they are not connected)
  5. This is the save point in the attached zip labeled as 'crash test.zip'
  6. Use the picker dollies shortcuts to move the duct exhaust 1 tile left (now the two entities are connected)
  7. Attempt to save the game (or wait for quicksave to begin). The game will crash to the attached log & dump. The save file will be corrupted (and is included as crash test 2.tmp.zip).
crash info.zip
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Re: [boskid][1.1.59] Crash saving: "Error Pump.cpp:160: Trying to save in a state that would result in save/load instabi

Post by boskid »

Thanks for the report and really detailed reproduction steps. Issue is now fixed for 1.1.61.

In this case the issue is that the pump is considered as unable to interact with fluid wagons (for this it would have to have exactly 2 pipe connections, one of which would be input and one output) which skips parts of the pump logic. There was however a check missing when entity changes position that was setting one of the flags related to interacting with fluid wagons which was picked up by save method.
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