We support Ukraine

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Re: We support Ukraine

Post by mmmPI »

Djmixxx wrote:
Sun Mar 20, 2022 8:26 am
You state the effect but not the cause. this is an example of taking it out of context.
If you read the article, it mostly talks about Meta.
https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2022/3/1 ... -crackdown

al jazeera is third party or not ? do they invent this ?

do you deny that it is forbidden for an independant media to call for peace ?

That since the war started there is a new potential 15 years of jail sentence that was introduced ?

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Re: We support Ukraine

Post by Djmixxx »

mmmPI wrote:
Sun Mar 20, 2022 8:31 am
That since the war started there is a new potential 15 years of jail sentence that was introduced ?
Do I need to provide references to the inaction of the American authorities during the BLM and what were the consequences?

I understand why this law was adopted in Russia and do not hold elusions about the level of freedom in the country under the control of the military.
I think your are confusing my opinion with the truth.

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Re: We support Ukraine

Post by Djmixxx »

mmmPI wrote:
Sun Mar 20, 2022 8:31 am

https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2022/3/1 ... -crackdown

al jazeera is third party or not ? do they invent this ?

do you deny that it is forbidden for an independant media to call for peace ?
I don't understand the question
I think your are confusing my opinion with the truth.

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Re: We support Ukraine

Post by mmmPI »

Djmixxx wrote:
Sun Mar 20, 2022 8:55 am
mmmPI wrote:
Sun Mar 20, 2022 8:31 am

https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2022/3/1 ... -crackdown

al jazeera is third party or not ? do they invent this ?

do you deny that it is forbidden for an independant media to call for peace ?
I don't understand the question
Do you think al jazeera is either pro ukrainian, pro russian, or represent a third party in the conflict not being attached to one side in particular ?

Do you think they invent all the things they mention in the article or do you think they relate to factual observation and provide their own analysis ?

Is it allowed in russia for an independant media to say "they do not wish the war to happen" ?

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Re: We support Ukraine

Post by mmmPI »

Djmixxx wrote:
Sun Mar 20, 2022 8:49 am
Do I need to provide references to the inaction of the American authorities during the BLM and what were the consequences?
No because it is unrelated with the fact that in Russia you now risk up to 15 years of jail if you call for peace. And that this measure was introduced after the war was launched as a crackdown on dissident voices which is making independant media flee outside of russia unless they share the state-media view.

I'm not quite sure what is your argument ?

According to the law of the russian federation, it is a democratic country where people vote for their leader, but if there is only state-controlled media that are only allowed to write a narrative that is in favor of the rulling party, then it doesn't really make sense to continue pretending being a democracy because there is no way people can inform themselves in a way that would allow them to assess properly what is their governement doing.

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Re: We support Ukraine

Post by enterisys »

Djmixxx wrote:
Sun Mar 20, 2022 8:49 am
Do I need to provide references to the inaction of the American authorities during the BLM and what were the consequences?

I understand why this law was adopted in Russia and do not hold elusions about the level of freedom in the country under the control of the military.
Did you just compare war in Ukraine to woke shit lol?

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Re: We support Ukraine

Post by jodokus31 »

Disclaimer: The next is my own perception, probably not 100% accurate

It's interesting who is profiting and who is not profiting from this war:
- Ukrain -> Ultra big no
- Russia -> Big no, economics, sanctions, lost of reputation
- Europe -> Medium to big no, due to economics, forced rearmament, energy shortage, risk of bigger war
- China/India -> Neutral?
- 3rd world -> Big no, due to food crisis
- USA/Canada -> Big yes, because of enhanced economies, exporting gas/arms
- Other oil/gas countries -> Yes

Interesting also, that suddenly CETA is back into consideration. I wonder, when TTIP, or how they will call it, will be discussed.

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Re: We support Ukraine

Post by enterisys »

jodokus31 wrote:
Sun Mar 20, 2022 11:04 am
- China/India -> Neutral?
Big yes, you can get significant discounts on russian fossils and bankrupt entities.
jodokus31 wrote:
Sun Mar 20, 2022 11:04 am
- USA/Canada -> Big yes, because of enhanced economies, exporting gas/arms
Neutral. How exactly economies are enhanced when business are being closed in russia due to sanctions. Also buying oil from Venezuela is cringe when you were the first to sanction them.
jodokus31 wrote:
Sun Mar 20, 2022 11:04 am
- Other oil/gas countries -> Yes
Neutral, gas and especially oil prices are already back to "normal".

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Re: We support Ukraine

Post by SunWolf »

Facts regarding 7 Years before to day present Ukraine/Nato/Russia Conflict.

1. 7 Years present Ukraine Goverment was murdering peaceful Donbas Region citizens. Russia was trying as peaceful as possible for 7 years to solve this conflict, insisting Ukraine to Make Donbas independent state and stop any military aggresion towards Donbas.
2. 7 Years NATO and USA ( worth mentioning NATO head is USA political head ) was supporting this bloodshreding civil war in ukraina with resoursces.
3. These Facts is very unknown, especially then this conflict reached such scale as it now, because it will politicaly justify Russian actions in Ukraine, but Western Capitalistical Intelectuals want to have some false cause to limit Russia global activity.
4. America during 100 years, commited lot of militaristical actions, witch if you take them for comparison with presen Rusian/Ukraine, they absolutletly overflow in aggression and will to dominate then Russian actions towards Ukraine. Also despite USA militaristical Aggresions, USA faced almost none of sanctions.
5. Neither Capitalism, Neither Socialism is by far is not most effective goverment system, most effective goverment system is Monarchy , because only in Monarcy Divine Willpower can be manifested.
6. Most of you , if you observe your knowledge carefully and diligently, you will realise that you know basicaly nothing, your shouting is just manifestion of pride (stupidity).


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Re: We support Ukraine

Post by enterisys »


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Re: We support Ukraine

Post by makrom »

SunWolf wrote:
Sun Mar 20, 2022 11:20 am
Facts regarding 7 Years before to day present Ukraine/Nato/Russia Conflict.

1. 7 Years present Ukraine Goverment was murdering peaceful Donbas Region citizens. Russia was trying as peaceful as possible for 7 years to solve this conflict, insisting Ukraine to Make Donbas independent state and stop any military aggresion towards Donbas.
2. 7 Years NATO and USA ( worth mentioning NATO head is USA political head ) was supporting this bloodshreding civil war in ukraina with resoursces.
3. These Facts is very unknown, especially then this conflict reached such scale as it now, because it will politicaly justify Russian actions in Ukraine, but Western Capitalistical Intelectuals want to have some false cause to limit Russia global activity.
4. America during 100 years, commited lot of militaristical actions, witch if you take them for comparison with presen Rusian/Ukraine, they absolutletly overflow in aggression and will to dominate then Russian actions towards Ukraine. Also despite USA militaristical Aggresions, USA faced almost none of sanctions.
5. Neither Capitalism, Neither Socialism is by far is not most effective goverment system, most effective goverment system is Monarchy , because only in Monarcy Divine Willpower can be manifested.
6. Most of you , if you observe your knowledge carefully and diligently, you will realise that you know basicaly nothing, your shouting is just manifestion of pride (stupidity).

"Facts" according to the completely unbiased Kremlin narrative...
And yet you wonder why the civilized world looks down on Russia.

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Re: We support Ukraine

Post by mmmPI »

jodokus31 wrote:
Sun Mar 20, 2022 11:04 am
Disclaimer: The next is my own perception, probably not 100% accurate

It's interesting who is profiting and who is not profiting from this war:
- Ukrain -> Ultra big no
- Russia -> Big no, economics, sanctions, lost of reputation
- Europe -> Medium to big no, due to economics, forced rearmament, energy shortage, risk of bigger war
- China/India -> Neutral?
- 3rd world -> Big no, due to food crisis
- USA/Canada -> Big yes, because of enhanced economies, exporting gas/arms
- Other oil/gas countries -> Yes

Interesting also, that suddenly CETA is back into consideration. I wonder, when TTIP, or how they will call it, will be discussed.
That is where the faming occurs, i'm not sure the concept of "3rd wold" is still relevant today, when you consider brasil or turkey, for example they have very different perception, turkey being in NATO and very close to Russia, selling weapon to Ukraine compared to Brazil that is far away from Russia, associated in the BRICS, and dependant on fertilizer from Russia.

I think China is not welcoming ecomic instability due to them being very successful when no disruption occurs. I think India is at risk too due to their economy being less robust, the consequences of food shortages at world level would impact them more.

For USA i'm more aware of the different opinions inside the society so i do not share the same idea that it's all a big yes. There are big companies there that are globalist and division of society in cold war style block limit their ability to expand their marketshare it has some political influence and is not only oil-related.

For Europe its even more fragmented because each countries has different political scene and then you have coalition in the EU parliament. Same are for the interest, not every economy in europe share the same level of involvment with russian economy, between Spain that has a lot of solar enegy and whose gas come from Algeria and Hungary that is reliant on Russian gas and has a leader anti-EU but is also very close to Russia geographically and is a formet soviet state the perception and interests are not the same. as you say medium to very big nope.

[Edit] I'm not accusing you of framing, i'm just trying to point out where the framing acts in one's perception that is this schematic you wrote describing your own perpection that framing is aimed at establishing/modifying at large scale
Last edited by mmmPI on Sun Mar 20, 2022 11:47 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: We support Ukraine

Post by mmmPI »

SunWolf wrote:
Sun Mar 20, 2022 11:20 am

5. Neither Capitalism, Neither Socialism is by far is not most effective goverment system, most effective goverment system is Monarchy , because only in Monarcy Divine Willpower can be manifested.
6. Most of you , if you observe your knowledge carefully and diligently, you will realise that you know basicaly nothing, your shouting is just manifestion of pride (stupidity).

facts : Plural form of fact făkt noun

Knowledge or information based on real occurrences.
Something demonstrated to exist or known to have existed.
A real occurrence; an event.

That's just the notion of agreeing that words have a meaning that we can use to construct sentence and express ourselves. Langage is pride ? Langage require knowledge of accepted meaning of words, shared between individuals. It's even required to write books that people understand and share the meaning of words, like the words FACT.

If you are talking about "faith" then it's something you are supposed to believe without proof, otherwise you are not a believer right ?

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Re: We support Ukraine

Post by tuhe »

FuryoftheStars wrote:
Sat Mar 19, 2022 10:52 pm
I wonder what they’d say about the theater with the words “children” written outside being bombed. :roll:
Why is the Global West not talking about how Ukraine is using child soldiers like Hitler?

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Re: We support Ukraine

Post by makrom »

jodokus31 wrote:
Sun Mar 20, 2022 11:04 am
- Europe -> Medium to big no, due to economics, forced rearmament, energy shortage, risk of bigger war
I consider it a big win for Europe, since they finally got their wake up call at a relatively low price. After all, those daft politicians didn't see a problem in maintaining ties (and therefore dependencies) with Russia even after Crimea.

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Re: We support Ukraine

Post by makrom »

tuhe wrote:
Sun Mar 20, 2022 11:49 am
FuryoftheStars wrote:
Sat Mar 19, 2022 10:52 pm
I wonder what they’d say about the theater with the words “children” written outside being bombed. :roll:
Why is the Global West not talking about how Ukraine is using child soldiers like Hitler?
Let me guess, this is according to some Russian source?

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Re: We support Ukraine

Post by tuhe »

makrom wrote:
Sun Mar 20, 2022 11:51 am
tuhe wrote:
Sun Mar 20, 2022 11:49 am
FuryoftheStars wrote:
Sat Mar 19, 2022 10:52 pm
I wonder what they’d say about the theater with the words “children” written outside being bombed. :roll:
Why is the Global West not talking about how Ukraine is using child soldiers like Hitler?
Let me guess, this is according to some Russian source?
I must admit it was a joke, I don't know what the trollfarms has churned out on the subject yet.
Last edited by tuhe on Sun Mar 20, 2022 11:59 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: We support Ukraine

Post by SunWolf »

makrom wrote:
Sun Mar 20, 2022 11:35 am
SunWolf wrote:
Sun Mar 20, 2022 11:20 am
Facts regarding 7 Years before to day present Ukraine/Nato/Russia Conflict.

1. 7 Years present Ukraine Goverment was murdering peaceful Donbas Region citizens. Russia was trying as peaceful as possible for 7 years to solve this conflict, insisting Ukraine to Make Donbas independent state and stop any military aggresion towards Donbas.
2. 7 Years NATO and USA ( worth mentioning NATO head is USA political head ) was supporting this bloodshreding civil war in ukraina with resoursces.
3. These Facts is very unknown, especially then this conflict reached such scale as it now, because it will politicaly justify Russian actions in Ukraine, but Western Capitalistical Intelectuals want to have some false cause to limit Russia global activity.
4. America during 100 years, commited lot of militaristical actions, witch if you take them for comparison with presen Rusian/Ukraine, they absolutletly overflow in aggression and will to dominate then Russian actions towards Ukraine. Also despite USA militaristical Aggresions, USA faced almost none of sanctions.
5. Neither Capitalism, Neither Socialism is by far is not most effective goverment system, most effective goverment system is Monarchy , because only in Monarcy Divine Willpower can be manifested.
6. Most of you , if you observe your knowledge carefully and diligently, you will realise that you know basicaly nothing, your shouting is just manifestion of pride (stupidity).

"Facts" according to the completely unbiased Kremlin narrative...
And yet you wonder why the civilized world looks down on Russia.

Civilised World ? Millions death caused by Drugs, Pornography, Achoholism, Agression, Starvation&Poverty. How you can call this world Civilized, actually is very barbarian.

If you want to condemn Russia and dont believe what happened in Donbas, go and talk with people in Donbas, they will tell you, how civilised Ukraine goverment was treating them for 7 years.

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Re: We support Ukraine

Post by tuhe »

Djmixxx wrote:
Sun Mar 20, 2022 6:32 am

Russia is conducting a PEACEFUL special operation in Ukraine. (In Russia)
Russia is bombing PEACEFUL cities. ( In EU)

If you remove the word PEACEFUL, the emotional component of the text changes dramatically, which means there will be less reaction in response
In the interest of science, I shall henceforth carry out the experiment:
  • Russia is bombing cities. ( In EU)
Nope, still a warcrime.

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Re: We support Ukraine

Post by mmmPI »

tuhe wrote:
Sun Mar 20, 2022 11:55 am
It was a joke, I don't know what the trollfarms has churned out on the subject yet.

I have found this documentary that highlight some of the high ranked members in charge of the troll farms, it's from the french-german arte television, i could only found it in french but the english subtitles are decent.


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