[1.1.56] Loaders Make Labs Show Wrong Consumption Stats

Things that has been reported already before.
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[1.1.56] Loaders Make Labs Show Wrong Consumption Stats

Post by Adrenalex »

Hello, I discovered an issue where loaders create an environment in the labs where the consumption graph doesn't accurately reflect what's happening and will indefinitely mess up the graph. Somehow the items that are NOT being fed into the lab show inflated numbers and in some cases, the only number. I was not able to recreate this with inserters, so I assume it's something specific to loaders? It almost feels like the loaders refill the lab before the consumption stats are taken and it messes up the read. You'll notice in the modded one, with 90/s loaders, none of the other tech cards show up on the graph. Only the one not being fed is shown.

Below is the test setup. You can recreate this environment by filling the labs and then removing the feeding item from one of the belts. I started a fresh map to make sure my consumption graph wasn't augmented by any previous tests.
labtest1.png (1.75 MiB) Viewed 1251 times
Once the feeder belt is emptied you will notice something strange starts to occur:
labtest4.png (86.93 KiB) Viewed 1251 times
The results of the completed test. You can see how the measured consumption statistic of the item that was NOT being fed into the lab is significantly inflated (but also note the loader messes up the other statistics as well slightly)
labtest2.png (51.49 KiB) Viewed 1251 times
I discovered this bug while investigating the issue in Krastorio 2 and it's also possible to recreate the issue where ONLY the card not being fed into the lab is shown on the consumption graph. See below! (The 144/m is the "science" for Krastorio 2. The other science cards, although being consumed, are not on the graph for some reason).
labtest3.png (2.06 MiB) Viewed 1251 times
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