[MOD 0.14-1.0]Helmod: Assistant to plan its base.

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Re: [MOD 0.14-1.0]Helmod: Assistant to plan its base.

Post by MobRules »

my search-fu has failed to find the answer to this question:

What determines when you can and cannot set the production % of a recipe in a production block?

I'm playing with Bob's and Angles, so there are lots of times when I want to adjust the percentages (since I'm using more than one method of ,making an intermediate). But I can never get the change to stick: as soon as I go back to the production block, the percentage is at 100% again.

Other changes I make to the recipe (such as selecting a different fuel source) stick, but the production percent always reverts to 100%.

What am I doing wrong?
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Re: [MOD 0.14-1.0]Helmod: Assistant to plan its base.

Post by Helfima »

perhaps you dont push ENTER to validate the value
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Re: [MOD 0.14-1.0]Helmod: Assistant to plan its base.

Post by MobRules »

Actually, turns out I accidentally had it set to the matrix solver :).
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Re: [MOD 0.14-1.0]Helmod: Assistant to plan its base.

Post by kinnom »

Using py Alien Life, when I click on a plant/creature farm recipe in the planner after inserting a module I get the following error:

Code: Select all

__helmod__/edition/RecipeEdition.lua:849: attempt to compare number with nil
The module section on the recipe also disappears.
no yes yes no yes no yes yes
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Re: [MOD 0.14-1.0]Helmod: Assistant to plan its base.

Post by Helfima »

hello, fixed in v0.11.20 ;)
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Re: [MOD 0.14-1.0]Helmod: Assistant to plan its base.

Post by DaleStan »

If I use ctrl-click to link an intermediate product, that state is not saved when exporting and re-importing.

To reproduce, import this production line:

Code: Select all

Open the second production block, and ctrl-click on the Electronic circuits (green chips), so the block outputs 50 each Advanced circuits and Electronic circuits (red and green).
Export the modified production line, and then import it again. The second block will still output 50 Advanced circuits, but it will no longer output the 50 Electronic circuits.
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Re: [MOD 0.14-1.0]Helmod: Assistant to plan its base.

Post by BlueTemplar »

Helmod v0.12.17 on Factorio v1.1.50 with the mod nullius v1.2.14 (all latest) :

Mining recipes don't allow to select the proper Factory (aka assembler, here aka drill) :
helmod-nullius_mined_resources_bug.jpg (377.75 KiB) Viewed 7727 times
(Nullius doesn't *have* a Burner miner drill (or at least it's disabled), what it does have are multiple levels of electric miners (starting with burner drill sprites).)

Same issue happens when trying to get Air from Air filter 1, defaulting to Assembling machine 1 this time (ditto, Nullius has Small Assembler 1, Medium Assembler 1... instead, and they can't make air anyway...)

P.S.: Cross-posted to the Nullius thread :
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Re: [MOD 0.14-1.0]Helmod: Assistant to plan its base.

Post by BlueTemplar »

Version: 0.12.8
Date: 2022-08-03
- Contributors: KiwiHawk, x2605
- Steam temperature can be selected for steam powered entities
- Added support for burner generators
- Added fuel value to list of available fuels
- Added Korean translation
- Fixed incorrect or missing info in multiple tooltips
- Fixed hidden items and items with a fuel value of 0 being listed as fuel
- Fixed energy block quantities always being in MW
- Fixed exclude constraint overlay not being drawn
- Fixed fluids with temperature not editable
- Fixed offshore pump recipes other than water being hidden
- Fixed default machine for offshore pump recipes
- Fixed offshore pump recipes other than water being shown in energy block
- Fixed energy consumption not linking between blocks
- Fixed ingredient quantities not updating in a linked Ingredient Input block
- Fixed recipe constraints not being copied
Amazing ! :D

Having to re-set manually the copied recipe's main & excluded product settings was annoying , thanks a lot for the fix !

Could we hope to have the temperatures for pYanodon's combustion mixture too ?
py_combmix.png (42.43 KiB) Viewed 7526 times
- Fixed fluids with temperature not editable
What is this about ?
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Re: [MOD 0.14-1.0]Helmod: Assistant to plan its base.

Post by BlueTemplar »

Also, pretty sure that Helmod doesn't count properly the effect of efficiency modules on burner drills ?
helmod_bug-pY_mining_eff-mods.png (99.01 KiB) Viewed 7492 times
EDIT : arguably it's kind of an exploit, but AFAIK considered to be a feature by the pYanodons team ?
helmod_bug-pY_AL_mining-eff_mods.png (82.8 KiB) Viewed 7490 times
P.S.: I have +10% mining productivity there from the 1rst mining prod tech bonus.
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Re: [MOD 0.14-1.0]Helmod: Assistant to plan its base.

Post by KiwiHawk »

BlueTemplar wrote: Tue Mar 08, 2022 6:41 pm Could we hope to have the temperatures for pYanodon's combustion mixture too ?
Seems to be working fine for me. Are your Py mods up to date? Does Combustion Mixture have a fuel value for you?

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Re: [MOD 0.14-1.0]Helmod: Assistant to plan its base.

Post by KiwiHawk »

BlueTemplar wrote: Tue Mar 08, 2022 6:41 pm
- Fixed fluids with temperature not editable
What is this about ?
In Helmod 0.12.7, if you tried to enter a quantity for a fluid with a temperature you would get this:

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Re: [MOD 0.14-1.0]Helmod: Assistant to plan its base.

Post by KiwiHawk »

Thanks for reporting this. I've logged it on GitHub: https://github.com/Helfima/helmod/issues/375
BlueTemplar wrote: Wed Mar 09, 2022 8:32 am Also, pretty sure that Helmod doesn't count properly the effect of efficiency modules on burner drills ?
EDIT : arguably it's kind of an exploit, but AFAIK considered to be a feature by the pYanodons team ?
P.S.: I have +10% mining productivity there from the 1rst mining prod tech bonus.
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Re: [MOD 0.14-1.0]Helmod: Assistant to plan its base.

Post by BlueTemplar »

Yes :
py_combmix_fuel_value.png (35.26 KiB) Viewed 7459 times
Yes, I do, at least latest on the mod portal :
Pyanodons Coal Processing
Version: 1.9.3
Date: 2021-02-02
data.lua :

Code: Select all

data.raw.fluid['combustion-mixture1'].fuel_value = '0.1MJ'
Commenting that line out does fix the issue...
(P.S.: Not that you would generally want to burn combustion mixture in oil burners anyway, it's temperature never gets low enough to be worth it...
P.P.S.: Still, other mods might have fluids using both their heat and fuel values for power ?)
Last edited by BlueTemplar on Thu Mar 10, 2022 9:42 am, edited 4 times in total.
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Re: [MOD 0.14-1.0]Helmod: Assistant to plan its base.

Post by BlueTemplar »

In Helmod 0.12.7, if you tried to enter a quantity for a fluid with a temperature you would get this:
Ah, yes, that was annoying indeed, thanks for the fix too !
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Re: [MOD 0.14-1.0]Helmod: Assistant to plan its base.

Post by BlueTemplar »

Ok, more problematic though is that whether for steam or combustion mixture, the required quantity of fluid for power still doesn't change depending on temperature...

A more involved, less important issue is that for instance the combustion turbine mk1 only takes up to 750°C combustion mixture.
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Re: [MOD 0.14-1.0]Helmod: Assistant to plan its base.

Post by KiwiHawk »

BlueTemplar wrote: Thu Mar 10, 2022 9:36 am P.P.S.: Still, other mods might have fluids using both their heat and fuel values for power ?)
Unfortunately there's currently no way for me to tell differentiate between a steam engine (uses the temperature of it's input fluid) and a fluid burning generator (uses the fuel value of it's input fluid). If it's input fluid has a fuel value, I assume that it's a burner generator. Not ideal I know but I don't have a better option. I've put in a modding interface request to expose this information to the control stage API. viewtopic.php?f=28&t=82351&p=563734

I talked about this with one of the devs for Py. He agreed to remove the fuel value from combustion mixture.
BlueTemplar wrote: Thu Mar 10, 2022 10:11 am Ok, more problematic though is that whether for steam or combustion mixture, the required quantity of fluid for power still doesn't change depending on temperature...
Yes, I agree. This does look wrong. Changing the combustion mixture temperature affects the number of turbines required but doesn't seem to affect the required quantity of mixture.
BlueTemplar wrote: Thu Mar 10, 2022 10:11 am A more involved, less important issue is that for instance the combustion turbine mk1 only takes up to 750°C combustion mixture.
For me, it seems that all tiers of combustion turbine take up to 1000°C combustion mixture.

Assuming that combustion turbine mk1 does have a limit of 750°C, I would expect the same amount of turbines required and combustion mixture to be consumed if you were using 750°C or 1000°C mixture. However using 500°C should use more.

If you use a higher temperature than the machine can handle, the extra heat energy is ignored.
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Re: [MOD 0.14-1.0]Helmod: Assistant to plan its base.

Post by KiwiHawk »

BlueTemplar wrote: Thu Mar 10, 2022 9:36 am P.P.S.: Still, other mods might have fluids using both their heat and fuel values for power ?)
Update: I'll be able to do this properly once Factorio 1.1.57 is released! 😁
BlueTemplar wrote: Thu Mar 10, 2022 10:11 am Ok, more problematic though is that whether for steam or combustion mixture, the required quantity of fluid for power still doesn't change depending on temperature...
Edit: Issue fixed!
BlueTemplar wrote: Wed Mar 09, 2022 8:32 am Also, pretty sure that Helmod doesn't count properly the effect of efficiency modules on burner drills ?
Edit: Issue fixed!
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Re: [MOD 0.14-1.0]Helmod: Assistant to plan its base.

Post by KiwiHawk »

BlueTemplar wrote: Mon Jan 03, 2022 4:24 pm Helmod v0.12.17 on Factorio v1.1.50 with the mod nullius v1.2.14 (all latest) :

Mining recipes don't allow to select the proper Factory (aka assembler, here aka drill) :

I can't reproduce this. Not sure why. I'm able to select any miner. Ideally the burner miner shouldn't show up here. But that's a separate issue.
IronOre.png (419.1 KiB) Viewed 7259 times
BlueTemplar wrote: Mon Jan 03, 2022 4:24 pm Same issue happens when trying to get Air from Air filter 1, defaulting to Assembling machine 1 this time (ditto, Nullius has Small Assembler 1, Medium Assembler 1... instead, and they can't make air anyway...)
I think I know what's happened here. There is a hidden placeholder recipe for every fluid on the Helmod tab. I'm guessing this is what you selected. The recipe that you actually want is on the Fluids tab.
Air.png (289.1 KiB) Viewed 7259 times
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Re: [MOD 0.14-1.0]Helmod: Assistant to plan its base.

Post by BlueTemplar »

Thanks a lot !

(My nullius game folder is on another PC, I'll have to check that specific one later...)
KiwiHawk wrote: Tue Mar 15, 2022 8:24 am
BlueTemplar wrote: Thu Mar 10, 2022 10:11 am A more involved, less important issue is that for instance the combustion turbine mk1 only takes up to 750°C combustion mixture.
For me, it seems that all tiers of combustion turbine take up to 1000°C combustion mixture.

Assuming that combustion turbine mk1 does have a limit of 750°C, I would expect the same amount of turbines required and combustion mixture to be consumed if you were using 750°C or 1000°C mixture. However using 500°C should use more.

If you use a higher temperature than the machine can handle, the extra heat energy is ignored.
Ah, right, that one is a tweak (which unlike for the other values, I didn't check) coming from the (unofficial) pY Pollution & Energy mod.

Also, I might have confused the behavior with too low fluid temperature :
entity refuses to take it in its fluidbox, very annoying to try to deal with since our engineer doesn't seem to be able to attach a thermometer to a valve
- with what happens with too high temperature.
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[MOD 0.14-1.0]Helmod: Assistant to plan its base.

Post by KiwiHawk »

Helmod has been updated! Including shiny new graphics.

  • Added default beacon settings in preferences
  • Added conversion feature to administration panel. Replaces entities in a blueprint
  • Added buttons to move production lines left and right and to group production lines by owner
  • Added machine bonus in tooltip information (Energy, Speed, Productivity, Pollution)
  • Added stack size in tooltip information
  • Combined energy selector with recipe selector. Energy production and regular recipes can now be in the same block
Full changelog here
Dev for Bob's mods, Angel's mods, Helmod, Sea Block, Circuit Processing, Science Cost Tweaker.

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