Make a two way two Train Shuttle

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Burner Inserter
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Make a two way two Train Shuttle

Post by Don_Camillo »

The Idea:
Set up a simple shuttle service where there is always a train at the station.
I have station A and station B and both have a train waiting, I get into Train A, it leaves automaticly and so should Train B. so that there is always a Train at both stations.
hope that makes the idea clear.

What i tried:
Connect both stations and both train signals into the station to the network, and set to send signal Z when no train in the station. and then tried different train conditions, but either the train cannot leave the station atomaticly (train limit set to 1) or the trains just cycle indeffenitly.

Has somebody tried something like that before? or has an idea what to try?

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Re: Make a two way two Train Shuttle

Post by astroshak »

You can read a train’s ID at the station. Use that.

Connect both stations to global circuit network (or at least get the two wired up together).

Station A : Read Train ID. When Train ID < 1, then output A = 1.
Station B : Read Train ID. When Train ID < 1, then output B = 1.

Trains :
At Station A, wait until B = 1, OR Passenger Present
At Station B, wait until A = 1, OR Passenger Present

That *should* do it for you. I think.

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Re: Make a two way two Train Shuttle

Post by SoShootMe »

Inspired by astroshak's solution, but without needing the stops to be connected through the circuit network:

Connect each stop to something nearby (eg a power pole) with circuit wire. That's as far as the circuit network needs to go. Set "Send to train" and "Read train count" on the stops, and have train schedules "Circuit C > 1 OR (Passenger present AND 5s of inactivity)".

The inactivity condition is optional but allows time for a passenger to get on/off and/or for the trains to refuel at the stops. This can be extended to N stops and N trains, with the trains "rotating" around the stops while at least one is occupied.

Burner Inserter
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Re: Make a two way two Train Shuttle

Post by Don_Camillo »

Thank you very much!
SoShootMe had the perfect, easy and low tech solution! works like a charm.

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