Read access to the HeatBuffer for HeatInterface and Reactor entity prototypes

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Nathan S
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Read access to the HeatBuffer for HeatInterface and Reactor entity prototypes

Post by Nathan S »

Maybe I'm not looking in the correct spot, but I can't seem to find the heat_buffer properties on heat-interface and reactor entity prototypes during the game.

For calculator purposes, I want to be able to read max_temperature, specific_heat, max_transfer, default_temperature, and min_working_temperature.

I think the most logical way to expose this would be through the heat_energy_source_prototype of these LuaEntityPrototype tables.
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Re: Read access to the HeatBuffer for HeatInterface and Reactor entity prototypes

Post by curiosity »

No offense, but why is this still not implemented? People keep asking for it in discord. This is a trivial request to expose existing prototype values to Lua.
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Re: Read access to the HeatBuffer for HeatInterface and Reactor entity prototypes

Post by Rseding91 »

The main limiter is those are not heat energy source prototypes (they are heat buffer prototypes) so the existing API to read the energy source doesn't support adding them in. A new API would have to be added to read those specific ones and nobody has done that yet.
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