Yeap. But it's OK, I think, in my way of looking at things. This is pure flattery. They are at least decent enough to steal and not just borrow.
Would be nice if they coughed up some royalties tho. Got to underwrite factorio expansion kit somehow!
As for Dyson Sphere Program, I was initially extremely excited when I saw this, but after some review I have to say while it looks like all idea and no execution.
it looks more original concept wise than satisfactory, which is good. I mean, they're not just bloating on 3d graphics.
But I really didn't see anything particularly interesting or new in terms of game play. Just a lot of fancy graphics.
That said, I think they are onto the right idea (universe scale!), but I doubt they will have budget or talent to do it correctly. Too much obsession with eye candy and not enough with mechanics.
If I were them, I'd suggest forgetting everything they knew about factorio and pull some a bunch of hard sci books off the shelves. There's some really great universe building stories out there which they could start looking at for new ideas.
I think some kind of combination of starcraft and civ would be what I'd go for, RTS and PVE but with the civilization / economy building aspect on a universe scale.
To be frank, DSP seems like someone had a very cool idea for a game and then some well meaning idiot came along and said "oh can we make it like factorio??"
I mean seriously:
At least they are wise enough to utilize isometric and not fps, I'll give them that.