Make it clearer when an object is connected to a network

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Make it clearer when an object is connected to a network

Post by rpecka »

Some kind of indicator should appear in the menus for objects if they are connected to circuit and/or logistic networks.

What ?
Currently, if an object is connected to both a logistic network and a circuit network, when you click on it to open its menu, the configuration for the circuit network connection is shown, but there is no indication that the object is connected to the logistic network as well (aside from clicking on the logistic network icon and checking if it is enabled).

I would like for there to be an indication that the object is also connected to the logistic network. In the current menu, the configuration panel icons in the top right only light up if their corresponding menu is open, I suggest lighting them up even if the configuration is not currently visible. The menu panels already have titles that show which network they are configuring, so information would not be lost with this change.
Why ?
I was having an issue where some train stations were saying "Disabled by control behavior" even though when I open their menus, the circuit network configuration shows that the "Enable/Disable" tick box is not even checked. I was debugging the problem and disconnected the circuit network from the station which caused the logistic network configuration menu to open when I clicked on the station this time. It showed that there was a condition that was disabling my stations.

If there had been some indicator that the station was connected to both, I would have found and fixed this issue sooner.
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Re: Make it clearer when an object is connected to a network

Post by ssilk »

You’re right, that’s currently not thought completely through.
Cool suggestion: Eatable MOUSE-pointers.
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Re: Make it clearer when an object is connected to a network

Post by wobbycarly »

I played a few thousand hours before I reailsed those 2 (logistic/circuit) connections existed on the inserter interface.

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Re: Make it clearer when an object is connected to a network

Post by DanGio »

I'd like to propose a mock-up for the GUI modifications, but because I'm not UI/UX expert and because it's a complex matter, I can only

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