[1.1.38] Inaccessible first oil due to PvP cliffs

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[1.1.38] Inaccessible first oil due to PvP cliffs

Post by BlueTemplar »

Seen in this PvP game from 5 months ago, doesn't seem to appear in the list of fixes, might be hard to reproduce though ?

Maybe just yet another "cliff hitboxes are a PitA" issue, but here the effect was significant :
pumpjack_blocked_by_pvp_cliffs.png (1.89 MiB) Viewed 1715 times

(And there's probably a 2nd bug here : it doesn't seem like oil should have spawned inside the PvP fort in the first place !)

The 2nd oil seems to have been very far away (as it should be) :
yogscast_oil_bug_2nd_oil.png (1.31 MiB) Viewed 1715 times

And even getting somewhat lucky with 2nd oil placement for Team Left (protected by water) and very unlucky for 1rst oil placement for Team Right (near the natural no man's land) didn't save Team Left.

(Sadly, I do not have their game settings, but it feels like they shouldn't matter for something as critical as this ?)
BobDiggity (mod-scenario-pack)
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Re: [1.1.38] Inaccessible first oil due to PvP cliffs

Post by Klonan »

Well, RNG of the terrain generation is RNG, and they can access the oil after getting cliff explosives

I don't think it is worth trying to fix, it doesn't really break anything
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Re: [1.1.38] Inaccessible first oil due to PvP cliffs

Post by BlueTemplar »

Thing is, you need oil for explosives for cliff explosives in the first place ! (And their 1rst oil only had this one spot.)

But I'd understand if such an uncommon scenario (and rare issue ?) was not deemed to be worthwhile to fix...
BobDiggity (mod-scenario-pack)
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